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Carter's head was pounding as her body was lightly shook. A loud and pain filled groan left her lips as her eyes finally peeled open. Her vision felt blurry but she would make out the form of Stiles Stilinski's naturally worried face.

"Second time I've been knocked out today." She mumbled, huffing out a grunt of pain as she did her best to sit up. "Wheres Derek?"

"Kate got to him." Stiles huffed.

"I'm sorry." Carter couldn't help but feel like this was her fault. She was in the room with him, she was suppose to be the one to protect him. But Kates new shifter form took her off guard and she got the upper hand.

"No it's okay." Stiles shook his head. In a way it was her fault, but he would never admit that. "Let me see your head." He gently looked at the spot where the blood was coming from. Most of it was dried, the pain activating her healing abilities. "You're gonna be okay. Come on. Scott needs all the help he can get."

"Where is he?" Carter asked as she stood up. Her head was healing fast, and she almost felt fully recharged again.

"Something about the school-" Stiles didn't get to finish his sentence before Carter jumped from Scott's window and took off. She didn't have time to deal with Stiles's jeep.

Unfortunately, the girl had to walk in on her friends fighting two...things? She wasn't sure what they were. They were huge and had skull masks and it seemed Scott and Malia were losing quick.

As Malia scrambled to back up from the big creature, Carter growled and launched herself forward to attack the creature. She failed to notice Scott getting thrown beside the were-coyote as she slashed and crawled and kicked at the unaffected thing. Eventually, the creature got tired and kicked Carter in the stomach hard enough to send her back next to Malia and Scott, knocking the breath from her. The three began to back up in fear.

Carter's stomach twisted. What were these things? Why were they invincible? Was she going to die?

The answer was no when Kira came out of nowhere with her sword. She was doing amazing, slashing and knocking the creatures armor. That was, until she got too cocky and turned around to look at Scott proudly. Scott let out a loud noise of her name as the creature grabbed her sword and knocked her in the face. Carter yelped as Kira was knocked to the ground with them.

As Scott made sure Kira was okay, Carter glanced towards her other friend. Malia's leg was bleeding badly, and it wouldn't heal fast. Slowly, the two found each other's hands, hoping for a bit of comfort in this situation.

Apparently luck was on their side as someone else came running to their rescue. He was quick and angelic as he fought the two creatures. Carter watched in awe as her father figure continued to fight, ignoring the large pain in her stomach from being kicked earlier.

Something was happening. The fighting was doing something to Derek. His face kept changing. Carter squeezed Malia's hand in worry. She hoped nothing more would happen to him.

And then, Derek let out the biggest roar he had ever before. So loud and powerful, the creatures began running away quickly. Carter let out a large breath of air as she looked at Derek, who faced away from her. Only he seemed...normal? He was taller, broader.

Using the help of Malia, the two stood up together, all four friends staring at the male. He still faced away, and didn't turn until Scott called out his name.

Carter started to smile. He was back. Her Derek was back. His beard and dull look was here. His young form was gone and replaced with the Derek she knew and loved.

Only his eyes shined gold instead of their bright blue.

Carter didn't waste much time thinking about it. She was too overwhelmed with happiness that Derek was okay. He was alive and he was back to himself.

Her body crashed into his own. Derek sure wasn't much of a hugger, but she needed it in that moment.

"I thought I lost you." She whispered. Nobody knew the connection she had with Derek. Nobody knew how close they were. Derek was the closest thing she had to a father, the first person to care about her outside Isaac. That meant something heavily to her.

"You can't lose me." He wrapped one arm around her, breathing out. He felt relieved as well, knowing she was okay.

School the next day was rough. Carter was in pain all over her body as she dragged herself out of Stiles's jeep and into the school. Her body was mostly sore from yesterday's actions even if her wounds had healed. From chasing Derek down, to getting arrested, and to fighting a so-called Berserker. The bright side of all of this was everyone was okay and Derek was back to normal. The bad part, Kate was still on the loose and someone had stolen $117 Million from Peter.

"You look like hell." Violet was the first to tell her as she approached her group of friends. The other three looked over quickly to face the girl who looked close to a zombie.

"Yeah. Didn't sleep well." Carter rubbed her eyes tiredly, leaning onto Liam's shoulder out of tiredness. The boy tensed underneath her, not used to this kind of human contact.

"How's your friend? The one you stayed to take care of?" Mason asked.

"He's good. He's a lot better now." Carter smiled gently, letting her arms drop to her side. "Everyone is back home now."

The bell rang a moment later. Garrett and Violet said their goodbyes as they walked in a different direction. The other three headed towards Finstocks classroom.

"Do you guys mind helping me run drills after school? Lacrosse tryouts are in a week and I need all the practice I can get." Liam spoke up for the first time, changing the subject.

"Sure." Mason nodded.

"Maybe." Carter shrugged. She wasn't sure what the plan was when it came to finding Kate. She knew they needed to find her soon.

"Carter can't make set plans." Mason said towards Liam. "Half the time she doesn't show and texts you the next day to apologize."

A pang of guilt ran through Carter's veins. She couldn't count the amount of times she's left Garrett, Violet, Mason, and Hayden hanging. Hell even Brett sometimes. Although she could tell the truth to him about what was really happening.

"How many times do I have to apologize-"

"I'm just teasing." Mason nudged her side playfully. "You always have a good excuse it's okay."

Carter huffed, knowing half her "excuses" we're lies. She couldn't exactly tell her friends the real reason behind her absences. How was she suppose to explain a giant lizard and the fact that she was a snarling kill-crazy beast once a month.

"Tell me what time and I'll do my best to make it."

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