Chapter 2

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Welcome to the B.S.A.A.

I was still sleeping, rolled in my bedcover as a bright light took me out of my dreams.

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead!" Piers was saying when he turned on the light.

"Are you serious?" I mumbled still half asleep.

"C'mon, todays your first mission, you don't want to oversleep it, don't you?!" Piers said motivated.

"God, you're nearly worse than Chris! Now I understand why you are Chris' second-in-command" I laughed while I was sitting up my body from my bed. My hair was a mess. I brushed it and put them together to a ponytail.

"If you want you can use the bathroom first." He offered.

"Oh, thanks, I won't need much time." I took my clothes and disappeared into the bathroom. I changed the clothes and brushed my teeth. As I have finished my morning routine, I returned to the room, where Piers was changing his clothes, too. Here again, he was standing there only in his underpants.

"I... I didn't see anything!" I stuttered. He turned his look to me.

"Relax, I'm not naked yet." He was joking around.

"I... I will go back into the bathroom then until you're done." I was slowly wandering back, as Piers grabbed my arm.

"Wait, I was just kidding. Take it easy. I will put on my clothes and then we can go" Piers grinned at me. Suddenly I was blushed again. I put away my sleeping clothes and did get ready for heading out to the mission. Piers was also ready soon.

"Should we get going?" he was asking. I only nodded, and then we went out of our room. Downwards in the hotel lobby we were meeting the other members of our Alpha team. They're also ready and were only waiting for us.

"What took you two so long?" Chris was asking.

"Well, lizzie just didn't want to get out of her bed." Piers mentioned with a grin.

"Hey! Ah well that's true." I agreed.

"Well, that's typical you, Lizzie!" Chris was grinning."Now, let's move, it's gonna be a long day!" he was ordering. The men saluting to their captain, and so did I. soon we arrived at the airport and the men were about to board the plane. I was just standing in front of it, staring at this big bird. I've never been on a flight before, so I was really nervous about that. Piers was walking by as he noticed my light shivering.

"Are you alright? You look a bit pale." He wondered.

"Ah no, I'm fine, it's just..."

"It's your first ever flight, huh?" he was suspecting.

"Y...yeah Chris doesn't know about it either." Piers laid his hands on my shoulder and tried to cheer me up.

"Don't worry Lizzie. You're not alone. We are all here for you. If you need anything, you can tell the team. Or me." Our gazes met. I could hardly swallow, since there went a strange feeling through my body. What was that?

"C'mon you two, stop wasting time!" Mr. Redfield was yelling. Both of us started.

"We're coming captain!" Piers replied and grabbed my hand. He looked at me and nodded, to that everything is going to be alright. We hooked up with the others. In the jet everyone were searching for a good seat. The jet looked really huge. I was taking a seat near the window.

"May I take the seat right next to you?" Piers was standing there with one hand scratching on the back of his head.

"Yes, sure, take a seat!" I said. Since Chris felt responsible for me, well, thought for everyone else, but for me in another way, he took the seat on the opposite side. Now everyone else got their seat and the jet was ready for take-off. While the jet was taking off, everyone was quiet. I was pressing myself into the seat and tried to hide that I was a bit scared. Finally the bird was in the air and I was a bit relived, as I suddenly felt a bit sick. I tried to suppress this feeling, since I really hate to puke. Chris realized now that I looked really nervous. He tried to encourage me.

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