Chapter 9

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December 26, 2012 - Hospital, Edonia:

I was sitting right next to Chris' bed, who was still in coma. His head got crashed really badly and he was still unconscious. The doctors couldn't tell when he was going to wake up, or IF! Piers and I were able to drag Chris out of the hot zone and were bringing him to a hospital right away. Chris hadn't opened his eyes so far. Someone was knocking on the door. After a while Piers was entering the room. He came to me, laid one hand on my shoulder and asked me: 

"Lizzie, are you alright? How is your hand?"

"I'm fine, thanks. My hand is still hurting really bad and the doctor said I should rest it for at least 2 weeks." I answered slightly absent. I really felt bad at this moment because so much happened the last few days. First Piers, then Finn sacrificed his life for me, our team mutated and now Chris was in coma. I was still trying to handle with all those things.

"Lizzie, we need to talk. You know that?" Piers noticed my concern and wanted to talk to me. I stood up and turned my gaze to Piers.

"Ok." I said and we left the room.

Piers and I went to the cafeteria of the hospital. He was getting us a cup of coffee and we sat at a free table. I still didn't say any words, so Piers began the conversation.

"Ok, it's because of Bella. You really came at a bad moment. I don't know if you know it, but Bella has a crush on me. We were just talking about our trainings experiences. And then she just kissed me out of nowhere. I was totally shocked. I had to pull her away and I explained her, that I could never be with her, because I'm already in love with another woman... and this woman is you, Lizzie, only you!" Piers was laying his and on mine while he said those words. I was looking at him with big eyes, still trying to realize what he just said. And then, the first tear drops were running down my cheeks and I started to cry. I was finally showing some emotions, but Piers didn't expect this break down. So he stood up and took me in his arms. He was holding me tight and stroking the back of my head.

"Piers... I... I'm so sorry!" I was sobbing.

"It's okay, everything is okay now." He was trying to calm me down. But for the moment, I wasn't able to. I pushed him a bit away from me, so I could look into his eyes when I was talking to him.

"Nothing is okay. I ignored you the whole time. I didn't even give you a chance to talk with me. I was so terrible to you the last days. I don't know how I can make this even good again."

"You don't need to. You had your reasons. You were led from what you've seen. So I can understand you. I'm sorry for you that you had to see that."

"No, please don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. It was all my fault. You... you are just too nice for this world!" I sank my head again and more tears were running down my cheeks.

"I... I just love you so much... and I was afraid of losing you."

Piers pressed me back in his arms and stroked my back. My head was laid on his chest and his shirt began to get wet, because I was crying so much. My fingers were clawed into his shirt. Then Piers pulled me a bit away, laid both of his hands on my cheeks to wipe the tears out of my face with his thumbs and kissed me on my lips very passionate.

"It's okay. I'll forgive you, because I love you, too!" He said in a calm and friendly voice. A laugh of happiness came out of my mouth, I was so happy to have Piers by my side.

"You wanna go and visit Chris again?" He asked me. I was just nodding. Then Piers took my hand and we headed hand in hand to Chris' room. As we were entering the room, I couldn't believe my eyes.

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