Chapter 13

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February 14th, 2014 – Graveyard, United States:

It's been 7 months now since I've lost my love of life. So many days went by and there wasn't even a single one I didn't think about him. And in 2 months I will give birth to a little baby... Piers' baby. The medical treatments were always great so far, the baby was healthy and everything turned out well. Since I'm looking forward to this little wonder, I'm still afraid of raising a child without its father. But I have Chris by my side, he told me that he will support me with the baby. This was one of the last wishes of Piers. Chris decided to continue his duty fighting against the bioterrorism to honour Piers and all the fallen comrades. Since the incident I was visiting Piers' grave every day. I still couldn't believe that he wasn't here anymore. Every night I felt asleep without having his warm body right next to me. I was missing his soft warm voice and his soft lips and his considerate personality. My heart felt so empty. I didn't know how I was supposed to live with this feeling. The unborn baby was so far the only reason why I was still here. And of course there were Chris and Claire, too. They were my family, my foster parents. They rescued me in the darkness and were here for me when everyone was gone. I was standing in front of the grave, remembering at all the wonderful times I had with Piers. I still remembered the first date we had, when he was taking me out for a laser tag adventure. It was so hilarious. Two trained soldiers against normal people. And the time I was injured from my first mission. He was there to take care of me and was always standing by my side. Every time I remembered him, I began to cry. I was rubbing my growth tummy to comfort it a bit. The day was beautiful, a little bit cold but the sun was shining. Suddenly Chris came along to visit the grave.

"Ah, I thought I would find you here. How are you? I haven't seen you today yet." He was asking me.

"It's like always, nothing has really changed. But I'm good." I answered Chris' question. Chris lighted a candle and put it to the grave of his fallen comrade. Chris laid one hand on my shoulder.

"Lizzie, if you're done here. There's something I want to show you. I'll be waiting in the car." He said and walked away. 'What's wrong with him? He looked a bit worried.' I was thinking. I turned to the grave for one last look at the inscription of the gravestone and then I followed Chris to his car. I got in the car and Chris already drove off.

"Where are you taking me? Is something wrong?" I asked Chris.

"I can't tell you now. You have to see it on your own." Chris words made me thoughtful. What was with him? What happened? Chris took me to the B.S.A.A. area.

"The B.S.A.A. headquarters? But I'm retired, or not?" I asked Chris perplexed.

"Yes, you are. But I need to show you something." He got out of his car, ran over to my side and opened the car door for me to helped me out.

"Let's go." Chris grabbed me on my shoulders to lead me the way. The man was leading me to the infirmary of the B.S.A.A.

"Is someone hurt? Is Jill alright?" I asked worried. Chris said nothing. The silence almost killed me, I didn't know what was going on here. Now we stopped right in front of a door. Why was he taking me here?

"Here we are. You can go in." Was Chris saying. I was kinda uncertain. What was behind the door? Slowly I was putting all my strength together and was slowing entering the room Chris brought me to. When I came into the room, there was a man standing there who got dressed up. As he turned his gaze to me, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was PIERS! The man I've lost 7 months ago in China.

"Piers... Is-Is that you?" I asked shakily. "Yeah sweetheart, it's me." The man said.

"Oh my god..." I walked slowly to Piers and put a hand on his chest to make sure that he was real. And he was! A man in flesh and blood.

My love Piers NivansWhere stories live. Discover now