Chapter 10

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June 30, 2013 - Waiyip, China:

Back in China. After the building got blew up by launches, we discovered some more cocoons. Chris was checking them up. I was standing right next to the captain as Piers came by.

"Piers." Began Chris the conversation.


"What happened to Ada Wong?" was the captain asking his second-in-command.

"You remember?!" Chris didn't say anything. 


"Where is she?"

"She's leading Neo Umbrella. All these Terrorists are.."

"Is she in the city or not!?" Chris cut off Piers words and was almost yelling at him. The sniper was slightly shocked about the reaction of his captain.

"She's been sighted a several times since the attack began. Yeah, she's here." Was Piers responding to Chris. Chris made a thoughtful face expression. Then he stood up and gave Piers the order: 

"Tell the men were moving out!" Piers was just looking after Chris when he walked by.

 "Yes Sir."

"Did Chris just get his memory back?" I asked Piers.

"Yeah, he did. And he seems to remember everything. And he looked not really happy or something. We should keep an eye on him." Was Piers telling me.

"You're right. Let's catch up with the captain." I suggested to Piers.

We were on our way as a B.S.A.A. soldier unexpectedly got attacked by an invisible monster.

"ALPHA to HQ. We're engaging a hostile!" Piers was reporting to HQ.

"Piers, Lizzie, Marco. Everyone on me! We're going after that thing!" was Chris commanding us. We went after the unknown enemy. As we were after it, we encountered Sherry and the mercenary she was protecting. Both of them had gone missing 6 months ago in Edonia. They were haunted by swarms of J'avo's including a helicopter. Chris gave the order to protect those two. After we took all J'avos and the helicopter down, we were changing gazes with the missed ones. Especially Chris was staring at the mercenary. As they moved on Piers suggested to Chris to escort them, in meaning they wouldn't survive on their own. But Chris coldly reminded him of their B.S.A.A. mission that they had to terminate those B.O.W.'s and departed We followed our captain and were making our way through the slums of Waiyip's Poisawan district. Now we were standing right in front of a building, Marco blew the door open. While going through the building, we got attacked again by the invisible B.O.W. Now it was taking a man away and Chris ran right after him.

"Captain, wait!" Piers followed captain Redfield. I also ran after them. As Chris lost the sight of our soldier and the enemy, he was grunting angrily.

"What the hell were you thinking, pulling a kamikaze stunt like that!?" was Piers reproaching to Chris.

"These are my men. You follow my lead or I'll find someone who will"

"Do you even hear yourself?" was Piers requesting. Chris was turning his head to Piers. Now he was getting closer to Piers. Now they were standing face to face.

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