Chapter 5

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Piers was taking me to a huge building. 'What is he going to do with me?'

"So, do you have any idea what we're going to do?" Piers was asking me.

"No, I don't really know." I answered. Piers was grabbing my arm and we headed to the reception. He seemed to pay for something. The woman at the reception is leading us to a room. As soon as I saw the room, I knew what he had planned! I opened my eyes widely.

"Piers! I've always want to do this. How did you know?" Piers just smirked at me. He was rubbing the back of his while he gave me the answer.

"Chris told me." Ah well, Chris knew everything about me. What I like, what I hate and so on. The shelf's right in front of us were filled up with laser guns. Its laser tag of course. I've always wanted to do that. Piers and I were taking a gun and the gears. The guns were connected with a vest, which has some spots to shoot at. Each one gave specific number of points, so shoulders gave 50, back 30 and chest 60.

"Ok people. Come here so we can split you up into teams!" the employee was yelling."The two of us would like to be one team!" Piers was responding.

"What, only the two of you? You know that won't be a good idea." The employee was grinning.

"Okay, you two against the rest, did I hear right? There are 16 people." He wanted to make sure.

"Yes! We are sure" Piers said firmly. I nodded to confirm his statement.

"Okay then, as you wish. You two can be Team Alpha, and the others are Team Beta." The employee was still grinning as he opened a door. There was a lot of fog coming out of there. This looks so exciting. Piers and were entering the area first, we split up in different directions. After a little while, the others were entering the area, too we both had already spotted a great position and were waiting for the others to come, so we could shoot them. Cowered on the wall I was waiting for the first targets to come, concentrating on every noise around me. I was noticing some footsteps coming closer and closer. When the time was right I leaned out of my cover and with some targeted hits I shot them. There were 3 of them, and I hit the chest from everyone. And since your gun was blockaded when you get hit, there was time for me to find new cover, while I was looking for a new cover, 2 other enemies were after me, they were about to shoot me, but I jumped to the side. After I hit the ground I made a quick role, aimed and shoot them again in the chest. After they realized that they were hit, they looked really surprised. I ran away and found a new cover. To the right l saw again 3 people, they were also waiting for someone to come by. I had an idea, there was a barrel right behind them. I knocked at the wall and quickly I was hiding behind that barrel. They noticed this noise and all of them were slowly coming closer. I was awaiting for the right point. I stood up, only my head and gun were visible, but they were slow anyway. I shot them again in the chest and I moved to the next point. While I was running, I crashed into someone else. Totally out of reaction I pushed him away and was about to shoot, then I realized it was Piers.

"Piers, sorry, I didn't see you." I was explaining.

"Don't worry, I didn't see you either. How many points do you have so far?" Piers was wondering.

"Now I got 480 points, and you?"

"Damn, I have 450 points. You're pretty good. But there's still some time left." Piers was meaning.

"Ok, let's see who will get more points." I was challenging Piers.

"Ok, then good luck!" Piers was wishing me.

"Thanks, same for you too!" I nodded. We clapped our hands and continued our hunting. After a while the time was up and we had to go back to the base. All of us were leaving the area. Still full armed everyone stood there waiting for the results. Piers also came and he put himself right next to me. 

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