Chapter 12

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July 01, 2013 - Chinese Waters:

Chris landed the jet on top of the roof. We headed to the elevator to entering the facility.

"There's irony for you." Piers was starting an adjustment while we headed further for the facility.

"A man who spent his entire life trying to destroy the world, and now... his son is the only one who can save it."

"And here I'm coming to rescue him."

"The man who killed his father. Like I said - irony."

"I don't know, maybe it's fait." Was Chris assuming.

"Albert Wesker - Is that the man you've killed 3 years ago in Africa?" I was asking Chris.

"Yeah, that was Albert Wesker." Said Chris in a sadden voice. Furthermore he included.

"I can't let this war following me forever. After we rescue Jake, I'm turning in my gun."

"What?" both of us shouted out in surprise.

"Chris, you can't..." I wanted to say something, but Chris interrupted me.

"It's about time someone took my place. And I'd be honoured if it was you, Piers." said Chris to Piers. Then Chris turned his look over to me.

"And of course I would like to have you as his second-in command. You two work perfectly together." I widened my eyes, because I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Me as a second-in command... from Piers?

"Chris..." I whispered. Then Piers included himself.

"I... I don't think that I'm ready for that." was Piers doubting.

"You both made it this far, haven't you?" Piers and I were looking at Chris while the elevator arrived at its destination. The door opened and we made us ready to move forward.

"This is it!" Chris said as we were leaving the elevator. We already arrived the control unit and saw the captured ones on the monitor. Chris ordered me to unlock them. I was successful, but soon an alarm went off.

"They found us!" said Chris.

"Captain, can you pinpoint their location?" was Piers asking the captain.

"They're in some sort of research bay. We can get there from the lower levels." Was Chris supposing.

"Hmm, I need to go down through the air ducts, but you two need to switch off the ventilators."

"Yes, sir!" were Piers and I agreeing. Chris threw both of us to the other side. We went over to the switch to turn off the ventilators. Chris went down to the air ducts and at the same time Piers and I got attacked by several J'avos. They started a gun fire at us and we jumped behind the next wall, to find cover.

"Oh c'mon, gimme a break." I said out of breath.

"Well, this is never going to end." Piers said in a sarcastic voice. Both of us were shooting out from our cover. Luckily we hit some of those J'avo's at least.

"There are too many of them, we need to wait for Chris to arrive." I suggested.

"As long as I get out of here alive with you, everything is fine to me." Was Piers mentioning.

"Yeah, same to me." I complied with Piers.

"Because there is one thing I've wanted to do a long time ago."

"And what is it?" I was requesting. Piers crouched to me, kneeled down on his knees and was taking my hand.

"Lizzie, I've always loved you. Since I first laid eyes on you. I wanted to ask you that a long time ago but... Will you marry me?" Wh-What... Did I hear right? Piers was asking me... to marry him? My heart was almost bursting and I could barely breath, I was stunned and my answer should be obvious but...

My love Piers NivansWhere stories live. Discover now