Chapter 6

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Christmas party

After some exhausting weeks of training, the B.S.A.A.'s Christmas party was here. The time went by like nothing. Now I'm dating Piers more than a month and we are still really happy. I think we couldn't live without each other right now. I was really excited for the Christmas party. This will be the first official event which we're going to attend as a couple. After the party, everybody will be in knowledge about us two going out together. The only persons, who knew that we are a couple, were Chris, Claire and Jill, and all of them kept their mouth shut. Thought it's none of the others business that we are going out together. I was standing in front of my mirror in my room and was staring at this girl in there. I was wearing a black shoulder free dress which goes down to my knees. On my chest and waist it was tight, and from the hip it went wider. 'I wonder if Piers will like this dress. Piers never said something that he didn't like something on me. Thought the dress was shoulder free, my scar on my collarbone was visible. But I didn't own another dress and I loved it. So I accepted this scar, it belonged to me now. My hair was open and there was a lot of hairspray in it, so it will hold them in place. I also put on some make-up, though I've never done that before. I was never in need to be a typical girl who wears skirts and makeup. I was setting the last things, as suddenly the doorbell rang. Chris was already gone, since he is the captain he had to be on the party earlier for some organizing things. I walked slowly down the stairs, in high heels. Damn, how is it even possible to walk in them? I stepped in front of the door, when I opened it, there was a gorgeous dressed man standing right in the entrance. The man was totally impressed and couldn't let his gaze go. Piers slowly recovered from that look and held a bucket of flowers against me. 

"You...You look really beautiful!" was Piers stuttering "I still can't believe that this wonderful woman is my girlfriend."

"I.. I'm... Thank you so much, but you look really handsome, too! In your smoking." I was blushed by the nice words and the flowers Piers was giving me. 

"I'll put them in a vase and then we can go." I grabbed Piers arm so he could wait inside the house. He was standing there with both of his hands in the pockets of his trousers. How is it possible to not love this gorgeous man? I took a small vase for the flower bucket, filled some water in it put the flowers in it. 

"They look very beautiful!" Piers was coming closer to me, he took one of his hand out of his pocket, grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. 

"Just like you, sweetheart!" I felt really honoured by these words. I freed my hand of his grab and laid my arms around his neck, stroking the back of his head and kissed him.

"I think we should get going, or we are going to be late for the party." I said in a calm voice to Piers.

"Okay then, let's go!" Piers was holding his arm against me, so I could hook up with my arm. Now arm in arm Piers was leading me to his car Piers opened the passenger door, so I could get in the car. "Thank you." I was pressing my dress near me, so it won't get jammed in the door. Now Piers was taking a seat at the driver's side and drove off. It was very quiet in the car. None of us were saying a single word. Both of us seemed to be nervous about how all the others will react about us two. Some of the B.S.A.A. men tried to flirt with me and also tried out some other things. But I always blocked, because I was going out with Piers. But I never told them the reason. Soon we were arriving at the party. Piers stopped the car in front of the entrance to let me out. While he was looking for a good parking spot I already went to the party.

"Lizzie, over here!" someone was yelling out. It was Jill, and right next to her was Chris standing. Both of them were winking, so I could find where they were sitting. The other members of the Alpha Team were also seating right next to them.

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