Chapter 7

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Shower Exercise

It was 7 AM and I was still lying in my bed as a warm soft voice awaked me.

"C'mon sweetheart, it's time to get up!" He kneeled right next to my bed and watched me while I was sleeping.

"Piers... how long have you been watching me sleeping?" I said in a sleepy voice.

"Oh, not that long, about 5 minutes?"

"What? That long? You must be crazy." I was joking.

"So I'm crazy for loving you? Thank you." He took his wet towel which was around his neck and threw it right on my face.

"Eww, you know how this was meant." I instantly threw back his towel.

"I know, sweetheart." He said and gave me a revealing kiss on my forehead. But it wasn't enough for him, he came on my bed and pinned my wrists down, so I wasn't able to defend myself anymore. Then his face came closer to my neck and began to caress it softly.

"How about some morning exercise?" he said in a lustful voice.

"Ah, Piers... We will be late if we do that now." I was already half moaning when I said that.

"Oh man, every morning it's the same." Said Piers a bit disappointed.

"Then maybe you should wake me earlier next time?" I said cheeky.

"Ok, I'll remember that!" He said with a smile and went off my bed. I finally managed to get out of my bed and was getting dressed for the next working day. Even thought that today was only training planned. Both of us were taking their trainings bag and headed off to the BSAA station. Chris already left earlier this morning, he said he has something to do early. Since Piers' car was in garage because some things had to be repaired, we had to take the bus. Fortunately there was a bus station not far away from the house which drove directly to the BSAA campus. After 20 minutes we had arrived the campus. Piers and I went hand in hand to the building and headed  to the changing rooms. There was the time when we got parted, since women and men changing rooms were separated.

"See you on the trainings ground, sweetheart." Piers said while giving me a short blink.

"Yeah, see you soon." I said and went to the changing room.

"Oh, hey Lizzie, nice to see you." Jill was also in the changing room and greeted me with a big smile.

"Hey Jill. How are you doing?" I was asking her.

"I'm doing great, thank you for asking. And you?"

"Me, too. Still a bit tired." I mentioned to Jill.

"So, you had some action last night with Piers again last night?" Asked Jill amused.

"Oh no, not this time. We just went to bed late because we wanted to watch a movie in TV." I explained. I was taking off my clothes to take on the other ones for training.

"Ah, I see. Oh, your scar... Will it stay like this, do you know that?" Was Jill asking me while she was examining my big scar on my upper body.

"I'm not sure but I think so. But I can live with that. It doesn't bother me anymore. Quite the reverse! Piers loves it because it reminds him that I saved his live." I explained.

"Ah, that's so sweet, you can count yourself really lucky to have a boyfriend like Piers."

"Yeah, I really am happy to have him, and I didn't know what I would do without him now." I said with a big smile on my face.

My love Piers NivansWhere stories live. Discover now