Chapter 5 - Covetous

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James's POV

Fuck yeah we're going to Washington tomorrow and I'm really psyched to go there. And knowing that that's where Aubrey lives makes everything twice as better! I stuffed my clothes and toiletries in my luggage and threw in my electronics in my carry on.

"Umm James, I could see you sneaking chips in your bag. You know you don't have to right? We can always just buy them at wherever we're going." Brad asked with an amused expression on his face. He flips his hair and now I can see his face.

"That's right! Besides, I'm sure you'll find some. You know with our tour guide... Aubrey, she'll certainly know where everything is!" Tristan chirped, barging into me and Brad's hotel room before winking at me.

"Eh... it's kind of a habit, I used to do it a lot when I was younger because they don't serve chips in planes." I sheepishly grinned, putting the chips back on the hotel's kitchen.

"Oh and by the way, your phone is beeping!" Connor peeped his head through the door way of Brad's room.

"Wait, how'd you get in there?" I asked, arching my eyebrow up. "I was cuddling with Brad! He was missing his stuffed toy which he left back home." Connor teased at Brad who blushed madly, probably of embarrassment. He muttered a shut up before going back to packing his things.

I shook my head at them before heading over to my phone, which was at the living room's coffee table, and picked it up. It would be a lie if I said that I didn't internally squeal over who messaged me.

She asked me if we're really going to her country and by the many use of exclamation points I know she demanded for me to reply faster. I -calmly- messaged her back but really I just wanted to spam her with capitalized yeses.

"James! Your order of burgers with fries and milkshake is here!" Tristan sing-songed, pushing the cart of food to me before plopping down on the couch. "Thanks bro!" I bro-fisted him before wheeling the cart back in my room and laying down on my bed with my phone in one hand and the burger in the other.

I logged into my twitter and scrolled pass the tweets.

"Nothing new... Shesh where is all of the action these days?"

I mindlessly go over to Aubrey's twitter and casually scroll down her tweets, smiling every now and then at how cute she tweets and how pretty she looks in every picture. I go back to my home page and saw that a guy named.. Nathan tagged Aubrey in a video. Wonder what this is.

The video starts with the guy, Nathan, standing up from the couch and heading over to what seems like a kitchen.

"Mmmhh what's on the menu Chef?" he asked, playfully with a smirk on his face.

"Trash for you." a girl whom voice is as sweet as sugar said. Who the hell is that?

"Oh shut up." Nathan chuckled, placing the phone on the table in front of him giving me a goof view of him and.. Aubrey?!

He wraps his arms around Aubrey and then lifted her up, she giggled slightly as she reached for the spaghetti box on the top cupboard and then Nathan gently put her back down.

His lips were moving because he was speaking but my hearing is blocked from the anger bubbling up inside me. Then, he leaned over and pressed a kiss onto Aubrey's cheek. Aubrey laughs, squeezing her eyes shut as she let Nathan linger his lips on her cheek.

The video was now long done but all I could see is the color red and the feeling of uneasiness inside of me. What the actual fuck? She already has a boyfriend but she talks to me like she's single? She didn't even mention him to me!

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