Harry Potters Long Lost Sister and the Slytherin Princess

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Kristin's pov

today was the day.my birthday.i put on my black cupres and black shirt that said 'come near at you'r own risk' in red letters.i put on some eyeliner and brushed my hair.i wasnt a big fan of make-up.i just wore eyeliner.i left my hair down,i dont really like to put my hair up that much ethier.i sat on the bed the orghanage let me use for the whole twelve years i've been hear and put my black convers on.i'm sorta like a punk/emo person.and yes if you havnt guessed by now i'm an orghane.i never knew my parents.the orghanage just said they found me in the woods out in the middle of nowhere.they where taking the kids on some feild trip when they founf me cause one of tyhe kids got sick so they had to pull over and let him out and thats when they heard my crying.they found and took care of me ever since.

the other kids here dont really like me.

They pick on me and then they get made then somthing happens,i dont really know what it is but my eyes change colors.when i'm mad they turn ethier red or black,and when i'm happy they are my normal eye color which is purpule,dont ask me thats just what it is.and when i'm sad they turn gray but i get even sadder cause it always seems to be sad when it rains.they turn silver somtimes when my hormones start messing up,and they turn green whn i'm tired.i could go on and on but you'll just have to wait till later on to find out about the other colors.

i got up off the bed and went down stairs."oh look its goth girl.beware."i turned around and there stood no other then danile.the only guy who could get under my skin enough to make me want to strangle him.i'm not vilante but he sure could make me."what do you want?"i asked him.he smirked."just thought i should be the first to say happy birthday and good bye."he said.good bye?"what?you got adopted?"please say yes,please say yes,please say yes."no."a girl can only wish.i sighed in disapointment and he heard.he gave me a deathly glare.i swear if looks could kill i would be dead."then why did you say good bye?"he smirked agian and."well i was going to tell you but since you are being such a bitch i'll let you figure it out on your own."he said and turned and walked off.

did he just call me a bitch?

yes he did.

no-one call's me that. I wish he would just trip over his own feet are somthing.

so do i.

right before i turned and walked off i saw him trip.ok,maybe some wish's do come true.i smiled.i continued walking around untill i smelled somthing good.i followed the smell to the kitchen.i opened the door and almost jumped out of my skin when everybody yelled"suprise!"are cook miss.angilina was holding a cake that said 'happy 12 birthday and good bye'.i got confused agian."good bye?"i asked agian.miss.garcia the owner of the orghanage came up to me and gave me a letter.i took it from her slowly and opened it.it said,

dear miss.kristin potter,

i am pleased to anounce that you have been accepted to go to hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry.i hope to see you this year.you'r school books and evrything have already been taken care off.all you need to do it get to diagon iliey and get a wand and an owl,cat,or toad.


professer dumbldore

i looked up from the letter.witchcraft?wizardry?"is this a joke?"i asked.the letter had been opened so i'm guessing that miss.garcia read it."no its not.i'm supposed to take you to where you'r supposed to go in the morning."she leand down to wisper in my ear."dont say a word to the other children hear about magic.ok?"i nodded.she leand away and smiled."now how about we have some cake?"she asked us all.we all agreed.

when we where done eating i went up to my room and layed down on my bed.i never really had friends but i was going to miss it here.and i cant belieave i'm supposed to be going to a school for witches and wizards.does that make me a witch?i sighed.i wasnt going to get any answers tonight so i pushed all thos thoughts aside.i got up and took my shoes off and changed into my black girl boxers and blood red spagetii strap top.so tomorrow i leave this place forever?maybe i'll come back during the summers.i had a feeling i was righ there.i sighed and rolled over on my side.and soon feel into a dreamless sleep.


i hope you liked it.

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