Harry Potters Long Lost Sister and the Slytherin Princess

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everyone was just stareing at us with wide eyes except harry who looked like a volcano that was fixxing to erupte. no joke. i was kinda getting tired of the ackward silence so i said the first thing that came to my mind. "i'm hunger who wants to go get somthing to eat?" bad idea. you want to know why? cause at that very moment. harrys valcono erupted. and it was not pretty. "kristen! how could you kiss draco!?! do you have any idea what you just did?!?!?! what the hell were you thinking!!!" take deep breaths take deep breaths. he may be my twin but that dosnt mean i wont kick the shit out of him.

"harry! i can kiss anyone that i want and its none of you'r business! you dont see me yelling at you every time you kiss a girl!! you have no right to tell me what i can or can not do!!!" "bull shit! i'm you'r older brother i have every right to tell you what to do!!" deep breaths, deep breaths. "by three minutes big deal!! i dont need you to pertect me!!" and with that i stomped away to the great hall for dinner. i quickly went to my seat at the slytherin table when i got there. everyone could tell i was pissed off so they just left me alone. smart people. i mean who the hell does harry think he is telling me who i can kiss and what i can do? he may be my brother but that dosnt mean he can tell me what to do.

i hit my head on the table. "ugh!" i saw people looking at me. "what are you looking at?" i snaped at them raiseing my head. just them i heard yelling from the hall way. i'm sure everyone did. "you kissed my sister! what do you think i'm gonna do?!" i reconized that as harry's voice. that ass hole. please dont say anything draco, please..."that isnt any of you'r business potter!" draco yelled back at him. by now almost everyone was looking at me. god must really hate me right now.

i quickly got up and ran into the hallway where i saw both boys with their wands at each other's neck. i quickly got in the middle of them and shoved them away from each other. "shut the fuck up both of you!!" i yelled. eeveryone looked at me. yet agian. from the corrner of my eye i could see people coming out of the great hall to watch this little seane but i didnt pay attintion to that at the moment. "i'm sick and tired of you fighting! why the hell do you hate each other?!? cause your in slytherin and your in gryffingor? for crying out loud there just houses! is it because you'r a half blood and your a pure blood?! are blood dont make us who we are as people and nether do are parents! and i am so tired of everyone thinking they do! i'm friends with half bloods, muggle borns, blood traiters, anything you want to call them and their from all houses. " i lowered my arms.

everyone was listening to me. even the teachers. "no-one should judge somone because of their looks, or their blood, or even their parents before they acually know them. the sooner you all get that through you'r thick heads the sooner everyone will stop fighting." and with that i walked away to my dorm.

as soon as i got there i layed on my bed stomach down. why did i have to kiss him. well technicly he kissed me but you get the point. why did it have to happen? sadly i cant say i hated it. i acually liked it. ugh! i picked my cell phone up and sat up on my bed and dialed daniles number. (danile is the guy that kissed her before she left on her first year) me and him decided we would be better off as friends.


"hey. its me kristen."

"oh hey. whats up?"

"just got into a fight with my brother and the guy that kissed me."

he laughed.

"if you kissed him then why did you fight with him?"

"technicly he kissed me. and because he got in a fight with my brother."

"oh. then why did you get into a fight with you'r brother?"

"cause he saw the guy i told you about kiss me."

"wh...ok hold up. started from the beginning."

i took a deep breath.

"ok, the guy kissed me, my brother saw us, we got into a fight cause he was saying he could tell me what to do then i stormed off, then i heard them yelling so i went to go check on them and they were fighting so i got into a fight with both of them for fighting each other."

it was silent for a while but then he started laughing.

"i'm just gonna go if you keep laughing."

"no, dont. i'll stop laughing. that sounds rough. have you talked to you'r friends about it?"

i sighed.

"no not yet."

i heard noises coming up the stairs.

"but i think their coming so i'll let you go. thanks for listening. you'v been a great help."

"anytime. by."


we hung up and i put my cell phone on my night stand as soon as sarah came in. blake wasnt to far behind her but she shut the door in his face. "this is girl talk." she yelled at him through the door then sat down beside me. i looked down at my hands which were now in my lap. "do you hate me?" she laughed. what is with people laughing today? "no i dont hate you. but i want to know.....did you like it?" she said excitedly. i looked up at her confused to see her grining at me. i laughed and smiled at her. "yes. and the thing is....this isnt are first kiss." her eyes widened. "what?" she squeled.

"why didnt you tell me? when was it? come on answer the questions!" i laughed. this was just like her. "i would answer but you dont give me time to. i didnt tell you cause i was afriad you would hate me and it was when draco ran after me after aunounceing his undieing love for harry. nether of us acually exspected it." her eyes kept getting bigger the ferther i went into exsplaining. "oh my god!" i waited for her to say more but she didnt. "just 'oh my god'? you not going to ask if it went ferther?" her eyes went wider if thats posible. "it went ferther then just kissing?" i laughed. "no i was just teasing you." she grabed one of my pillows and hit me with it. i quickly grabed my other pillow and hit her with it. it soon turned into a full out pillow fight.

it was around eleven now. "come on, we should get some sleep. classes start tomorrow." she nodded and went to her bed. i took my pillows and layed down. "night sarah." "nigh kristen." then i thought of somthing. "night blake!" i yelled. "night!" he yelled back. we looked at each other and laughed. "who would have thought he would have stayed there that whole time?" i laughed agian then the other two girls who share the room with us came in and went to their beds. i soon fell into a dreamless sleep.

i woke up to my alarm clock playing 'crazy bitch by buckcherry'. i quickly turned it off and looked around to seesarah messing with her hair. i rolled my eyes and goy up and took a shower. i came out with a towel around me and went to me dresser and put on some white panties, white bra, white and black skirt, black shirt, and black high heels. "you know this school has a uniform policy right?" hermine asked looking at my clothes.

i rolled my eyes. "whatever. sit down." she did as i said while i grabed my straitener. i quickly straitened her hair then started on my own. "wow." i heard her whisper when she looked in the mirra. "you made me beautiful." i looked at her smileing. "no, you were always beautiful. i just straitened you'r hair." when i finished my hair i put on some eye liner then put my school robe over my clothes but left it open and grabed my bag. "ready to go to breakfast?" i asked her. she nodded and grabed her bag then we left. as soon as we got down to the great hall everyone became silent. "its because of the outfit i'm wearing. they all want it." i whispered to sarah. she laughed quietly as we walked to are table and sat down. "i would pay big money to see perfessore snape in you'r outfit." she whispered back. i laughed quietly.

i turned around and saw almost half the room looking at me but what caught my attintion most was harry. he was looking at my outfit and his face was going red. i rolled my eyes and turned back around. if he didnt like my clothes thats fine, but he couldnt make me change. stupid brothers.

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