Harry Potters Long Lost Sister and the Slytherin Princess

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i went in the common room only to recieve about a millian glares which i gladly returned. sarah and blake ran up to me. "what happened?" sarah asked. i shruged and went up to my room that i was sharing with three other girls. sarah happened to be one of them. and for that i was greatful. as soon as i got into the room i went to my suit case and got out my black baggy pants,black girl boxers,and a black short sleve shirt with a red long sleve undershirt attached to it and a black bra. then i went to the shower and took care of everything i neede to take care of.

when i got out i dried off and put my clothes on then dried my hair then brushed it then put on a little eye liner. as soon as i was finished i went down to the common room. i could feel everyone in the room looking at me as i sat down on the couch. sarah and blake came to sit with me. "wha........" she was cut off by a cold voice. "how dare you." i leaned my head back on the couch and ran my hands over my face. i didnt need to look up to know who the voice belonged to. "what do you want malfoy? another beating?" i asked agravated. i was getting tired of him and everybody that kept staring at me. i moved my hands and looked at him. he glared at me. "can i talked to you?" he spat at me then looked at my friends. "in private?" my friends looked at me. i nodded. "i'll be right back." i stood up. "but i warn everybody, if he comes back with a black eye dont look at me." i yelled to the common room who was already looking at us. he grabed my wrist and pulled me roughly out of the common room. we didnt stop untill we got to an empty hall them he pushed my up aginstthe wall. "what is you'r problem?" i spat at him. "you." he spat back. "what did i do to you? you were the one being a di*ck in the first place." i said. venom clear in my voice.

"listen to me and listen good. if you'r going to be in slytherin you will not hang out with any of those gryffindors do you understand me?" he tightened his grip on my uper arms. ok that was it. i pushed him up aginst the wall opposite of the one i was on. "you listen to me malfoy. no-one tells me who i can or can not hang out with. keep that in mind and stay out of my way and we wont have any problems. got it?" i spat at him with more venom then even a snake could have and my eyes glowing red. literaly. he nodded his head in fear and i let him go and walked back to the common room, my eyes still glowing blood red. i ran up the stairs and to my room and changed into my pjs then webt to sleep. i was not going to like this year.

Harry Potters Long Lost Sister and the Slytherin PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now