Harry Potters Long Lost Sister and the Slytherin Princess

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it was supper time now. i had already been sent to proferssor dumbldores office. i got detintion with snape for a month. they told me about their plan for snape to kill dumbldore instead of draco because draco was so young. they told me not to tell anyone. after all, snape is supposed to be on voldemorts side but really he was just acting like it cause he was on dumbldores side.

i walked into the great hall and a bunch of people turned and stared at me. have i ever told you how i hate being stared at? well now i have. i fliped them off then went ans sat down at the slytherin table. by now what happened in defence agianst the dark arts today was all over the school and everyone was scared cause not even the teachers could do that. i sat down by sarah like usual but i saw her cringe away. wow. i looked away and sighed then got a cookie and got up and started to leave the great hall when i ran into draco right at the doors.

he gave me a small smile but i just looked down and tried to go around him but he grabed my wrist. "what?" i snaped at him. his soft look became angry. "you'r willing to give up you'r own happiness for your brother!?" he shouted making everyone turn and stare. i looked around the room and found harrys gaze. he looked really confused. i looked down and yanked my wrist out of his grasp. "yes." i whispered to him then looked him in the eyes. "always." then i turned around and left.

i went down to the lake. i wasnt feeling so good and i knew it wasnt because of what happened in the great hall. i felt.....there wasnt a word to exsplan how i felt. nether josifene or angelena was here. i sat down by the water and touch the tip or my finger to the water. it was slightly cold but nothing i couldnt handel. i sighed then i felt a horrible pain. it was coming from ever inch of my body. i screamed out in pain loudly. a scream that could be heard from about ten miles.

the moonlight turned and shun on me making the pain worse and my necklass started to glow while rising up as soon as the moonlight touched me. the pain was almost unbariable. i heard running footsteps. oh no dear god. dont let anyone who dosnt know about the necklass find me. which means i was hoping it was dumbledore since he was the only one who knew about it.

as the pain got worse and the footsteps got closer i put my hand on my stomach as if sheilding my unborn baby. who ever it was nelt down next to me and took my hand but quickly let it go and screamed in pain. i started seeing images before my eyes. the dark mark, dead bodys, blood, horceses. the pain just countinued to get worse. hello my child. said a voice i hadent heard in four years. "what is it?" i whispered, trying not to let the person beside me hear. i came to tell you what to exspect while you'r pregnante. its not going to be like a normal pregnicey. "when have i ever been normal?" i ment to whisper but as i shotting pain came over me i acidently shouted it.

"what?" the voice asked starteled. draco!! ahhh the father is here. maybe i should just tell the both of you at the same time. "no please. he has enough to worry about." i whispered exstra softly. ok. i see you are in a lot of pain so i'll make this short. you wont get fat so it will be easier to hide it if you want to. you will have cravings tho. bad ones. you have to cary it for eleven months so ten more months now. if i have any other news for you i'll let you know. good bye my child. and just like the pain started, it stoped. i started taking deep breaths but my eyes were closed. i felt like i was being picked up and carried but i was to tired to open my eyes to see where i was being taken and by who.

after a while i geard a bunch of gasps and heard a lot of running feet. "what did you do to her malfoy!?!" harry shouted at him trying to pull me away from draco but i turned towards draco and hide in his chest. "what happened mr. malfoy?" i could reconize that voice as proffesser dumbledore. "i dont know sir. iwent searching for her after i heard her scream and i found her by the lake. she looked like she was in great pain and when......" he trailed off. "when what mr. malfoy?" oh no. please dont tell. "dont tell draco. please." i whispered but as quiet as it was my voice echoed across the whole room.

Harry Potters Long Lost Sister and the Slytherin PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now