Harry Potters Long Lost Sister and the Slytherin princess

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sarah, blake, and i got to know each other better. blake was a really cool guy. we followed the rest of the slytherin house to are commenroom when the feast was over. i could see people staring at me every now and then. it was getting pretty agravating. i 3wonder if this is happening to harry. it is. i jumped. "whats wrong?" sarah asked me. blake looked at me with worry and curiosity. i looked around.

i didnt want to tell them while we were surronded by people. "i'll tell yall later." sarah nodded and started talking to blake agian. how bad is it with you? i asked harry. very. they wont quit staring at me. how bad is it with you? same. it's getting very agravating. i know. oh and congragulations on getting into slytherin. thanks. and congragulations on getting into gryffindor. thanks. i started feeling cold so i rubed my arms.

sarah must have noticed cause she instintly started exsplaining. "we're under the lake." i nodded. the commen room looked like a dungeon because it had a few skulls here and there and green-ish chairs and lamps. "girls rooms are up the stairs to you'r right. boys same for you'r left." a man with black shoulder length hair and black eyes said.

"who is he?" i asked sarah and blake. "thats perfessore snape." blake wispered back. "looky here. the potter has a crush." draco said loud enough for everyone to hear. even the perfessore. i looked at blake and he looked at me. i gave him a little smirk. he gave me a slite nod. i turned back to draco. "i think you'r just mad it's not on you." i told him. he seemed taken back andeveryone looked at him. his face was growing so red. "as if i'd want to date you. you filthy half blood." that had my anger boiling. i started walking up to him and punched him righton his nose.

he yelled and grabed his nose. i then kicked both of his knees making him fall. "and whats so bad about that huh?" i yelled at him. i was fixxing to kick him in the side but snape stoped me. he pulled me out of the room. i looked back to see somepoeple staring at me with wide eyes while others were helping draco up and some, like sarah and blake, wernt doing anything. the door shut behind us and i was forced to turn around.

i looked down at my feet so he couldnt see my eyes which were probley a shining blood red. "why did you do that?" snape asked a little harshly. "he called me a half blood." i heard him sigh and mumble ,"just like you'r mother." i looked up real fast and saw a small smile on his lips but quickly left when he saw i was looking. he looked taken back. then i remmbered my eyes and lowered my gaze. "what did you mean just like my mother?" i wispered.

he didnt answer for a while. i looked up to see if he was even there. he was. "i'm not going to discuse this with you." he said. "please. i know nothing about her. i know less then even harry." i told him. i started begging him with my eyes, which i was sure had turned to a very visible gray. i felt a tear roll down my eye and heard the rain that just started. i whiped away the tear real fast. i hated crying infront of people and i'm pretty sure he saw it. i heard him sigh. "you'r mother never liked to be called a half blood ethier." i looked him in the eyes. "you liked her didnt you?" i saw him tence and knew i was right. i smiled a little. "did you ever go out with her?" he frowned. "why not?" i asked. his face went hard and cold agian. that is somthing we will never speak about." and with that he walked away. i sighed. i could tell he wanted to go out with my mom but never got to. poor guy. i sighed and went back to the common room.

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