Harry Potters Long Lost Sister

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that was so cool. i just ran threw that brick wall and now i'm fixxing to get on the train. "ok so be carefull who you tell who you really are right now ok?" miss.garcia said. i nodded. i gave my owl to the people who were putting them on the train and got on. i walked along the train trying to find a compartment to sit in when i bumbed into somone. "sorry." i said. "you filthy half blood. watch where you'r going." he had sliked back blond hair and blue eyes. "come on draco, we'llburn you'r robe as soon as we get to are compartment." said a little chubby boy.

"wow look's like somone's pmsing." i said more to myself then anything but they heard. "do you know who i am?" the guy i'm guess is draco said. "a snotty rich boy who thinks he's better than everyone eles?" i guessed. he looked like he was going to blow. he drew out his wand and pointed it at me. everyone was looking at us. i smirked. "you'r a coward." he looked even more mad when i said that. "what are you talking about? i'm the one with my wand out. you'r to much of a coward to draw you'r." he said. i rolled my eyes and walked forward so the wand was at my neck. his and everybody eles's eyes went wide. i wasnt afraid of death. "you'r a coward who hides behind a wand. wizard or not. somone's who's not a coward wouldnt threaten a woman and a coward would fight with his hand not a wand. so tell me now, who is the coward with the wand and threatening a woman?" he was speach less.

he drew back his wand and him and his friends walked off. i watched them leave. when they were out of sight i turned around to see everyone was still looking. i kept walking trying to find an empty compartment when i got to one where two boys and a girl were in. i nocked on the door and they looked up at me. "umm.........all the other compartments are full. do you mind if i sit in here?" "not at all." the girl said. i smiled. "thanks." i put my lugage in the thing above my head then sat down. "i'm herminey granger, and you are?" i jhad a feeling i should tell her. "kristin..." i was cut off by a lady with a cart of food. "anything from the trolly dears?" the boy with red hair held up a little thing with food all smushed up said. "no thanks." he probley couldnt aford it so he had to bring his own food. i know what that feels like. then i remmbered the exstra moneyi had.

"well take a few of everything." me and a boy with shaggy dark brown hair said at the same time holding out are money. we looked at each other. "alright." we waited about a minute untill we got are food and i paid then she left to serve the other kids. "thanks." they all said. "no problem." we all ate for a bit. "so what are yall names?" i asked the two boys. "oh sorry. i'm ronald wesly. but everyone calls me ron." "cool." he went back to eating. "and you?" i asked the brown haired kid. "harry, harry potter." i dropde what was in my hand and just stared at him. i could tell he was uncomfterblr so i moved my gaze. "kristin potter. nice to meet you." i held out my hand for him to shake but all three of them were staring at me. i'm pretty sure my eyes changed colors cause they all jumped a little. herminey was the first to unfreeze. "that's impossible. kristin potter is dead." harry looked confused. "who is kristin potter?" harry asked. "she's you'r twin but you-know-who killed her." so thats what the wizarding world thought?

"i'm pretty sure i'm alive. i mean, you giys can see me right?" i sure hoped i was alive cause if danile was kissing air that would have been really weird. harry looked me in the eyes and i did the same to him. he put out his hand as if to touch me and i put my hand out. when are hands touched i got a weird tingley feeling. i looked away from his eyes to look at are hands. he did the same. there was like a long yellow strip of smoke wraped around are hands. and it was glowing.the light was going under the crack of the door so if anyone was looking at the floor i'm sure they saw the light. "wow." we all said at the same time. the yellow strip went into both of are skins and the light disappered. what was that about? "i dont know but it was weird." we all looked at harry.

"what? i was just answering her question." what question? "the one you just asked. you asked what was that about." my eyes went wide. "i didnt ask that. at least not out loud. i thought that." all of are eyes went wide. "you are kristin potter arnt you?" herminey asked. i nodded. "the one and only." then i thought of somthing. "wait if he can read my mind i should be able to read his. that does make sence. "ah ha! yes! it works." we all smiled. "do you think we can keep things secret in are minds for each other and everything?" that was how the whole train ride was. me and herminey, rom, and harry got to be very close friends.

Harry Potters Long Lost Sister and the Slytherin PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now