Harry Potters Long Lost Sister and the Slytherin Princess

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Itried to ignore all the stares i was getting. i looked at miss.garcia. "umm....why am i supposed to see thatpotter kid?" bob looked at miss.garcia. "you mean she dosnt know?" miss.garcia shook her head. "no. i wanted her to have to have a normal life." now i was seriasly confused. "you kept her from the whole wizarding world this whole time?" bob asked leaning over to her.

i could tell everyone was listening to their conversation, but they were all still staring at me. "yes. she may be a famase witch but she needs to have a normal life." she said sternly. bob sighed. "if eveyone thought she was dead how did she get a letter?"

miss.garcia looked a little nervase now. "well i did a little magic and put her name on the list and made her a letter. i have a key to her parents valt so she can get the money she needs for her books and robes." ok.this is all getting way to confusing for me.

"wait.....time out......freeze."i ordered causeing bob and miss.garcia to look at me.

"famase witch?parents valt?what are yall talking about?" bob turned to her agian. "you mean you havnt even told her?"

miss.garcia sighed and shook her head no. she came towards me and nealed down in front of me. "well you know you'r a witch, but you'r a famase witch. i never told you any of this cause i wanted to have a normal life as a normal kid." ok...this is a little weird. "ok. i'll play along.

"so who's this harry potter kid i'm supposed to meat?" she gave me a smile. "he..is you'r twin brother." i felt a little faint. i had a brother, and he was my twin? i guess that exsplains why i always have weird feelings at times. i mean i could be really happy then i turn sad for no reason. "kristin?" miss.garcia said bring me back from my thoughts. "what does it mean when you'r eyes are ornage?" bob looked at her like she was crazy. "what do you mean? isnt that her normal eye color?"

miss.garcia shook her head. "no. her eyes change color with her mood. her normal eye color is purpule." he looked shocked. i guess thats not normal among wizard and witchs ethier.

"ornage means confused." i wispered. miss.garcia's face softend. she was fixxing to say somthing but i cut her off. "when do i get to meet him?" she looked like she was thinking. "i think you'll meet his on the train." i smiled.

"do you want to hurry up and get you things so you can meet him sooner?" i nodded my head fast. "yes please." she smiled and grabed one of my bags. "then lets go. it was nice to see you agian bob." he nodded. "like wise.and miss.potter," he came from behind the bar and took my hand and shook it. "it was a pleasure to see you." i nodded my head.

we started to head to the back when people started getting out of their seats and shaking my hand and saying things like 'i'm so happy you'r alive' and 'its a pleasure to meant you at last'. iy was all so weird.

i dont see how people like to be famase. i had a bad feeling when i saw this one guy step out. "oh perfesser quil, i didnt see you there." miss.garcia said.

"oh..mi..miss...ama...amanda." he stutered. as he got closer the feeling got worse. "kristin this is professer quil. he teach's deffence agianst the dark arts."miss.garcia said. i stuck out my hand to shake even tho every thing in me said to stay away from him. "nice to meat to." he looked at my hand like he was afraid of it. this guy is really weird. "sa...same....t.t..to yo....you."


well i have to take her to get her stuff. we'll see you later." we finally made it out the back door to come to a dead in. she took out a small stick and tap a few bricks then they started moving creating a pathway for us to pass threw. when we went past the wall i saw shops and everything. "time for us to go shoping." i smiled.

~ff 2 hours

"i still have to get a wand." i told miss.garcia. this shoping stuff was taking a long time. first we had to go get money from the valt that was my parents which is now mine and my brothers. as far as i know he still dosnt know i was ever alive. then we had to go and get my messurements for my robes, which took like an hour cause the lady kept poking me with the needle. we already got my books and everthing. the only thing i need now was a wand. "ok. this way." i followed her to the wand store. "you go get you'r wand. i have to go take care of somthing. i'll be right back." and before i could say anything she was gone.

i walked in the store and i couldnt see anyone. "hello?" i called. no-one answered. "hello?" i said a little louder. "yes?" i jumped about two feet in the air. "sorry didnt mean to scare you. what can i do for you?" god, talk about scare to death. i swear i almost had a heart attake. "umm....i need a wand." i said shyly. "of course. well no need to be shy. whats you'r name?" he started looking around at all the box's and brought back three. "umm...kristin potter." i think he just stoped breathing. we stud in silence for about ten minutes untill he turned around slowly and looked at me. he gave me a large smile after looking me over. "i dont know why i didnt see it before. you look so much like lilly."he said coming out from behind the counter. lilly? "who's lilly?" he gave me a frown. "well she's you'r mother of course." my mother? yes i know all about the sex thing cause miss.garcia had 'the talk' with me because i started my girl thing.

"it seems just like yesterday you'r parents were in here buying their own first wands." the man said bring me back to the presant. he was already behind the counter agian motioning for me to come closer. he handed me a wand. i dont have any idea how to use this thing! i screamed to myself. "well?" i wanted to scream 'i dont know how to use this thing', but i didnt. instead i just flicked it and a vase broke. then same thing happened with the other two wands. maybe i'm not supposed to have a wand. he started searching for more box's when he just stoped and got a box and brought it over to me. he took it out and handed it to me. as soon as i grabed it i felt an electrice power type thing goign threw me. and i knew right away that this was my wand. "just like i thought. the feather that made this wand came from the same one that made you'r brothers wand and the one one who killed you'r parents." my parents were murdered? "and who killed them?" i asked. he shook his head. "we do not speak his name."

"well then could you please write it down? that not really speaking." i begged. i gave him my famase puppy dog eyes and he gave in. he found a piece of paper and a....feather? when he was done he showed me the piece of paper. voltamore. (sorry if i didnt spell it right. the one's of you who read or watched harry potter know who it is) "voltamore." i said out loud. "shhhh." did he jush shhh me? i mean really? i was fixxing to say somthing when i heard a tapping on the window.

i turned around and saw miss.garcia holding up a beautiful white owl. "come on. we have to get you to you'r train before it leaves." miss.garcia told me threw the window. i turned around to the man behind the counter. "thank you for everything." he knew i was talking about the note too.

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