Harry Potters Long Lost Sister and the Slytherin princess

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i didnt feel like going back to the great hall so instead i just went exsploring. i was just walking around out side when i came to a lake. i sat down beside the water. i sat there a few minutes untill i saw heads in the water. i saw them coming closer and soon enough they were right infront of me. there was two of them. "h...hi." i said. they wernt very pretty but you know what they say. never judge a book by its cover. "hi." my eyes went wide. their voices were magical. they must be nymps but as the human world would call them mermaids. "nice to meet you. i'm kristen potter." they seemed shocked that i could hear them which got me really confused. "i'm josifene and this is my sister angelena." said the one i'm guessing to josifene. she took my hand in hers, her hand felt weird, and led me into the water a little.

i stud up so i could feel with my feet where i was going. the water was very cold but i just ignored it. we finally stoped and angelena turned to me. "take a deep breath." i did as i was told and was suddenly pulled underwater. josifene had one of my hands while angelena had the other. we swm for i few minutes and i needed air. but they wouldnt let me go. they draged me into a cave like thing underwater and when we got inside i finally got to get air. i was coughing and shivering. "what are we......." my question was cut off when i saw a light. i got out of the water and walked over to where i saw the light. i bent down and saw it was a necklass. i wonder.....should i? i picked it up and the nymps gasped. i looked over at them. "what?" i asked confused.

"does the necklass hurt you?" josifene asked. i shooked my head. "no. but it is warm." they looked at each other then back at me. "put it on." angelena said. i looked back down at the necklass then put it around my neck. as soon as it was around my neck i felt a sizle of energy flow through me while the nicklass was glowing white. i saw images flash before my eyes.i saw a women making somthing. the necklass. then she just fell. without a dout i knew she was dead. the the images turned to the women only she wasnt dead. she started speaking to me.my daughter. you have found the necklass with which i have put my life and soul and magic into. you have been given a great and powerfull magic. how you use it is up to you. who are you? i asked im my head. i ammarabela. the goddess of all witchs and wizards. i put all mymagic into the necklass which you now can never take off.

i made sure i put it at the bottem of this lake. people have died trying to get that necklass. but only a soul purer then pure can touch it. i think theres a mistake goddess lady. i dont have a pure soul. let alone a purer the pure soul.i give you the magic of both of are ancestores and the knowalge of bothas well. you will see in time what i am talking about. good bye kristen potter. the fate of both the wizarding world and the human world rests in you hands.

when it finally ended i looked back down at the necklass and saw it was like a see through dimand. i looked back over at josifene and angelena to see them smileing. "come." angelena said holding out her hand. i took it and got ready to take a deep breath but before i could i was already underwater. "breathe." josifene said.i looked at her then slowly took a breath. it felt normal. i started breathing regualrly untill they got me back to the side of the lake. so i can breath underwater? awsome! "thank you. but i have to get going back to my commen room." three hours had past since i got out of proffesser d.'s office. "ok. good bye." they started swimming off. "i'll come back when i can." i yelled to them. i started walking

back to the commen room soaking wet gaining me some weird stares from people but i wasnt paying attention. i was thinking about everything i just discovered. the necklass hung low so i picked it up in my hand and looked at it then i finally put it under my shirt so other people couldnt see it. i didnt want to be more of a freak then i already was. when i finally got to the portal to the common room i said, "pure blood." the portal swung open and i walked in. i walked in to the common room and everyone turned and stared at me. god i was wet not a sixteen headed beast. i ignored their stares and went to my room. sarah was there reading a book.

"hey sarah." i said going to my trunk. she looked up from her book to me. she tilted her head to the side a little. "why are you wet?" she asked curiasly. "went swimming with some nymps." as soon as i said it i wished i hadnt. "what!" she screamed. "i read about them. they cant speak above the water and their really mean." i went to my trunk and got out some grey sweat pants, black shirt, and black bra and black girl boxers. "they were really nice and i understood them even when they were out of the water." i turnd to her to see her eyes wide. "i'll exsplain everything but first let me take a shower." she nodded and i went and took a warm shower then got dressed. now all i needed to do was tell sarah everything. great. note the sarcasm.

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