Harry Potters Long Lost Sister and the Slytherin Princess

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*kristens pov*

i woke up in a soft warm bed. i sat up and relized i was in my bed. i turned to ask sarah how i got here but my question got cought at the sight of what i saw. there on sarahs bed was blake and her doing it. i think i just through up in my mouth. "sarah!" i screamed. they quickly feel on the bed and started trying to cover up. "oh my god! my eyes are scared for lift!" i said covering my eyes up as i saw sarahs boobs and blakes butt. "kristen i am so sorry i thought you were asleep." i could tell she was on the verge of crying. i laughed. "calm down its fine. i'm just goona go down to the common room untill you too...uh....finish up." i chuckled and got out of bed and went down to the common room.

that must have been so emmbarasing for them. well i didnt think it was the best show ever ethier. i lughed agian but stoped when i saw that no-one was in the common room but me and...you guessed it. draco. and he sat by the spot i usually sit at. hmmm. if he thinks i'm not gonna sit where i want to because he's there then he is sadly mistaken.

i walked over to the couch where i usually sit and sat down. it would have been very peacefull if draco wasnt sitting by me. then the worst happened. he started talking!! "we're still enemys right?" he used an emoyionless tone. "yes. why wouldnt we be? i mean,the kiss didnt really mean anything." i said in the same tone he used. but deep deep deep deep down i knew i was lieing. "exqcly. i just wanted to clear that up." i nodded. for some reason it hurt me that he thought that. god i must be sick. am i running a fever or somthing?? i heard him sigh. "good night." he said getting up. i looked down. "good night draco." i whispered. i didnt hear footsteps moving so i looked up to see him smileing at me. not smirking but acually smileing. "what?" i asked confused. "you used my first name." i smiled a little.

"i guess i did. and you should smileing more. that smirk messes with you'r face. it can be cute at times but annoying at others." i said getting up. did i just call him cute!?! no no. i said his smile was cute. thats way differant then him. ya thats it. i was almost to the steps when i heard him call out to me, "you think i'm cute?" he sounded amused. i didnt turn around but just called over my shoulder, "not you malfoy. you'r smile. thats a big differance." ya keep telling youself that. shut up mind.

when i got up to my dorm i knocked lightly on the door. "come in." a raspy voice said. i opened the door and saw sarha and blake all dressed and her face was in his shoulder. it looked like she has been crying. when i walked in they both looked up at me then sarha ran up to me. "kristen i'm so sorry. please forgive me. i didnt think you were awake or anything. i'm so sorry." she started crying agian. i wraped my arms around her. "its ok. why are you apolagizing?" she sobed. "because you hate me." she sobed agian. i chuckled and walked her over to her bed so she was in the middle of me and blake.

"i dont hate you. i'm not even mad at you. you'r a women and you have needs just like everyone eles." i tolded her. she looked up at me. "really?" i nodded. "really." she hugged me tightly and cryed more. "come on quit cry. its not good for you'r eyes. and its also ruining my shirt." i joked. she leaned off me and wiped her eyes while laughing. "sorry." i rolled my eyes then looked at blake. "you mite want to get out of here before one of the other girls wake up." i told him he nodded then kissed sarahs forehead then got up and headed for the door. "and blake," i said right as he was fixxing to open the door. he turned to me.

"ya?" "if you hurt her, i will personally kill you." i threatened. he looked scared. he better be cause he knows i'll acually do it. he nodded fast and ran out of the door. as soon as it was closed me sarah laughed. "just tell he if he does anything you dont want to do and i'll set him straite. ok?" she smiled at me and nodded. "ok." i nodded and was fixxing to get up and go to my bed but she grabed my wriste. i turned and looked at her. "will you sleep with me?" she asked. "you know i dont go the way." i joked. she laughed. "sure. but..." i looked at her bed. "we're sleeping on my bed." she nodded and grabed her pillow then layed down in my bed with me. "dont hog the covers ethier." i said laughing quitely. she laughed. "no promises." and with that we went to sleep.

when i woke up her feet were in my face but everyone in the room was still asleep. i pushed her off then bed and she landed with a thud but she didnt wake up. man that girl could sleep through a tornado. i got up and went to my trunk and got out some jean skirt that was short, but not hoeish short, a blue shirt that would cling to my curves, and some black flip flops. then i went to that bathroom and showered makeing sure i put a silence charm on the room so the water didnt wake up the other girls. when i was finished i dried off and put my clothes on the magicly dryed my hair. i put on some eyeliner and clear lipgloss then looked in the mirroer. i looked so plain. i needed a new look. hmmm.....i smirked. i put my wand to my hair. "cutartes." i whispered. that was a spell that cut my hair. now my red hair was to the middle of my back. i magicly put the hair i cut off in the trash can and headed down to the great hall. today was sundayso classes started tommorow.

when i got to the great hall i saw a few kids there who were eating. as soon as i steped in people turned to stare at me mouths opened with food sticking out of their mouths. instead of going to the slytherin table i went to the grifendore table and satin betweennevel and hermine. "hey guys. hows it going?" they shrugged. "pretty good." nevel said. "kool. what about you hermine?" she looked mad. "harry and ron wont get their big butts down here and eat somthing before tryouts for the quidditch team." i laughed. "are all of the teams having tryouts today?" she nodded. i got a plate and started putting food on it. "ya. why? are you going to tryout for the slytherin team?" i shrugged. "maybe." she raised an eyebrow at me then shook her head. "well good luck." i put a spoon full of food in my mouth. "thanks." i said with my mouth full. she laughed. today would be very interesting.

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