Harry Potters Long Lost Sister and the Slytherin Princess

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M after breakfast and a lot of stares i had to go to my first class which is potions. i dont see why kids hate perfesser snape. he's really not that bad. and he's only the way he is because of my parents. dont get me wrong, i love them. but who the hell does my mom think she is toying with somones feelings? she was just playing with snape then she ran back to my dad. and my dad always picked on him. they were just so rude. when i entered class everyone stared at me. agian. "take a picture it would last longer." i snaped at them making then look away quickly. i sat down as soon as snape walked in.

"we are not making potions today unfortionatly. instead dombledore has asked me to teach you somthing eles." he said in a duel voice while walking to the front of the class and turning and looking at me while he said the last part. if anyone eles reconized it they would have thought it was because of my clothes but i knew it ment somthing eles. what did dombledore want me to learn?

the lights dimed down. "who knows who marabela is?" i looked around and saw no-ones hand up. even hermine looked confused. i sighed and raised my hand. "yes miss. potter." everyone turned and looked at me. "marabela is the goddess of all witches and wizards. she was the first person ever to have power. mud blood of course. it is because of her we are even on the face of the earth." he nodded. "and why is that?" ahhh so dumbledore is testing my knowlage? "because she put some of her power into six people. let me find a way to put this." i thought for a second then went on with my exsplanation.

"lets say we are talking about the four houses. she put power into two people that would be made to go into slytherin, two people that would be made to go into ravenclaw, two people that would be made to go into hufflepuff, and two people that would be made to go into gryffindor.

"with them they made all the wizards and witches that are here to this day. marabela soon felt evil in some witches and wizards so she made somthing that people never thought could be made. that only the pure-est of souls could touch." i saw hermine scribleing everything i said down. "and what is that?" snape asked. i took a deep breath. "the necklass of marabela. she put every ounce of her power into it. no-one ever thought that with that one necklass someone could take over the univers. freeze time, go back to the past or fast forward to the future. with it a person could do anything." everyone was silent so i decided to tell a little more. "with her final breath she sent it somwhere no-one could find. rumers flew and people went in search of it. they all died." hermine raised her hand. "yes miss. granger?" "theres no such thing as a soul purer then pure is there? i mean, its ethier pure or it isnt." "miss. potter would you care to exsplain it to her?" snape asked me.

she looked at me, her eyes searching for knowlage. "it dosnt matter if you cuse or screw or anything really for you'r soul to be pure. its what you intend to do with the necklass. wether you'r intintions or good or bad. you have to be filled with love and happiness and goodness to even touch the necklass. if you dont have even one of thoes things and touched it, you would die before you could even say help...at least thats what the rumers say. very few remmber her." i said looking at snape. him and me both new they wernt rumers. every teacher here new i held the necklass. i looked down.

"good job miss. pottter, fifty points to slytherin." i heard the slytherins cheer. "and ten points to gryffindore for seeking more knowlage." i looked up fast and heard a few people gasp. everyonethought snape hated gryffindore but they didnt know the love of his life was in gryffindore.

we spent the rest of the time talking about marabela's powers untill the bell rung. "i want an essay on marabela byt friday." he told us as we got are stuff and left. next class was defence agianst the dark arts (i'm putting umbringe into this one). the desks were all lined up and it seemed to cheary. "what the hell?" i whispered to sarah. we took a desk at the front of the class. as soon as everyone was seated a women dressed in all pink came in. "oh no!!!!" i moaned as i saw her.

i heard a few people chuckle as she came over to me. "is somthing wrong?" i looked at her clothes agian. "you tell me." i heard a few more people laugh. she glared at me and went to the board and waved her wand then books started coming to are tables. she then waved her wand and the word 'owls' came onto the board. "is she seriase?" i whispered to sarah. she was fixxing to answer but umbriges anoying voice came. "is there somthing you want to share with the class miss. potter?" i looked up at her then thought of somthing and smirked. "yes in fact there is." she made me get up and stand in front of the class. just like i hoped. "umbrige is a barbie girl, in a barbie world, her life is plastice, its not fantastic, you can brush her hair, and hoplfully you dont undress her everywhere...." miss. potter!" umbridge screamed at me.

the whole class was laughing. and it was defiantly not quiet. "go to you'r seat right now! you will have dettintion tonight at eight in my office." "sir yes sir!" i said saluting her them marching to my seat while saying, "left, left, left right left." untill i got to my seat and sat down. the whole class was laughing so hard that ron feel out of his seat holding his side and crying from laughing so hard. "enough!" everyone went silent but i just poped my feet up on the desk. "come on get you'r stupid lecture over so we can cast some spells." i said. she glared at me but smiled at me. that smiled was as fake as pansy's boobs. "oh dear no no. there will be no use of ur wands in this class anymore."

i quickly put my feet down. "are you crazy?!?" i yelled at her. her face stayed emotionless. "no. we will be learning from the book i have given you." hermine raised her hand. "but miss. there are no spells to teach us how to deffend are selves in here." umbrige smiled at her. once agian a fake one. "who would you need deffending from? who would possibly want to harm young children?" "oh i dont know. how about voldemort you dumb brunete." i heard a lot of people gasp and umbriges's face became hard. "students will raise there hand before they talk in my classroom." "this isnt you'r classroom you twat. you'r just subsituting cause the ministry is being to stupid to relize he's come back."

once agian people gasp. "are you saying the ministry is stupid? child without them we would fall out of order." i stud up. "no, with people like you on the ministry we will fall out of order. and if you havnt already noticed you idoit, it already has." with that i grabed my bag and left her with her mouth hanging open. i could tell that if voldemorte didnt kill her, i sure as hell would.

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