Harry Potters Long Lost Sister and the Slytherin Princess

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i ran and ran screaming, "draco is rainbow! draco is rainbow!" over and over with draco right behind me. everytime i said it he tried going fast. he was right on my heals now. i quickly turned a corner whch caught him off gaurd so he was a little ways behind me. "hey draco?!" i screamed to him. "what are the names of the guys you'v been with?! were they crab or goyle or both?!" i kept laughing until i got tackled. i tried getting back up but the person who tackled me wouldnt let me. i was quickly thrown on my back and he got on me and pinned my arms above my head. i looked up to see malfoy with a smirk on his face. he leand his head down closer to me. "this is an intresting position." he whispered sudusivly. "drop dead malfoy." i snaped. one of his hands slide down my side while the other kept ahold of my wrists and i shivered. as much as i want to say it was because it was desterbing, but that would be a lie. he looked me in the eyes and i felt like i would get lost in them. he leand closer to me and closed his eyes. i didnt turn my head like i wanted to. instead i closed my eyes and then his lips were on mine. and as much as i hated to admite it.

i was kissing back.

and even worse.

i was liking it.

he slowly let go of my wrists like he was afraid i would go but instaed my hands ended up in his hair and his hands ended up on my waist. he was a really good kisser. wait what!?! i quickly pushed him off me and stud up. i was kissing draco malfoy! mine and my brothers worst enemy!! and i was likeing it!!! oh god! he looked up at me shocked. "you tell anyone about this and i'll make you tell everyone that you selpt with crabe and goyle." i threatend then ran off. i cant beleave this. i kissed draco malfoy! i am so screwed.

*dracos pov*

i just kissed kristen potter!! she kissed me back!! this did not turn out the way i planed. well i wasnt exacly plaining anything. i know she made me do whatever i did back there in the great hall. but how? even the spell that makes people do what you say lets you think you'r own thoughts. but i couldnt do anything. it was like i passed out then woke up with my face in mashed pattatos. and i dont wear witty tiddes! who wears thos anymore? (no offence to thos of you who do) i quickly got up and headed to my dorm. i needed to think.

i mean i would have to think about a few things if i was stupid enough to kiss a potter and like it. and if you tell anyone i just thought that i will give you the most painfullest death there is.

*Kristen's pov*

i went strait to the lake. luckly josifene and angelena was there. we went for a swim and i told them everything. i told them what happened in the great hall to what happened in the hall way. "wow. thats tough." josifene said. "i know. he's my worst enemy. how could i have kissed him?!" i asked. talking underwater was just like talking above water to me. "well did you like it? the kiss i mean." angelena asked. i sighed. and sat down at the bottem of the lake. "ya i liked the kiss but i dont like the person." i exsplained. "why dont you like him?" josifene asked. "because he's a concited, rude, cocky, ass hole, man whore." i said. they laughed a little. "its not a lughing matter. what am i going to do?" angelena and josifene sat down beside me. "i dont really know what to tell you. but you'll figure it out. but in the meantime, you should get going. its getting late." josifene said. "ugh! fine."

i got up and started swimming up to the side of the lake with josifene and anglena. it was freezing above water. "i'll see you guys later. by." i told them getting out of the water. "by." they said waving. i waved back and headed to the common room. i stoped at the portrate. what if draco was in there? what if he told everybody? well he probley wouldnt do that because he wouldnt want anyone knowing he kissed a potter. or what if he did tell cause he wanted everyone to know a potter. ugh this is so frustrating! "ugh! pure blood."

the portale swung open and i quickly ran into the common room and up the stairs to my room. i went to my trunk and got out a clear pair of bra and panties then some black jogging pants and a black shirt then went and took a warm shower. when i got out i dried my hair and body, got dressed then went into the common room. i saw draco with his friends on one side of the room so i went to the other side which thankfully sarah and blake were at. "hey." i said. they ran over to me. "hey. did you make draco do that? it was totally funny." blake said. i looked at draco from the corner of my eye to see him looking at me. i quickly looked back at my friends. "i dont want to talk about draco right now. what do you guys want to do one my first night back?" they shrugged and we sa down on a couch. it went like this. sarah, me, then blake. i rested my head on his shoulder and he softly stroked my hair. i wouldnt ever tell anyone, exspecualy harry, that i kissed draco. my eyes started to close and soon i was asleep.

*dracos pov*

i watched as that blake guy stroked kristens hair. i wished i could do that. wait what? i cant have these thoughts about a potter. we're worst enemys. and besides that fact i'm trying to kill dumbledore. not that i want to but he'll kill my family if i dont. that dark lord i mean. i couldnt even think about potter. i looked at pansy. she was on my lap so i lean my head close to her and whispered in her ear, "meet me in my room around nine." i heard her giggle then i got her off my lap and went up to my room. maybe pansy can take away these thoughts. thoughts about how her lips felt agianst mine. how soft they were. how perfect. god i sound like a love sick teen.

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