Harry potters Long Lost Sister And The Slytherin Princess

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*kristens pov*

once we finished laughing we all started catching up. we talked about their adventures and about the goblet of fire turnament (that already past. if this was the book serise this year would be the year about the half blooded prince just to let you know). the boys started talking to each other so me and hermine started talking.

"so......whats going on with you and ron?" i whispered to her excitedly. she looked shocked and blushed. "nothing." she whispered back. i rolled my eyes. "ya right. tell me. i can tell he likes you." she blushed more. "ya right. he couldnt like me." i looked at her like she just burned a book. cause face it everyone, she's a book freak, no offence hermine. "i went to an all boys school hermine. i can tell between a friendly look and a more then friendly look. and the way he looks at you is a way more then friendly look." her face was bright red now. she was fixxing to say somthing but harry spoke up. "what are yall whispering about? hermines face is as red as a tamato." we all laughed. "come o guys we have to change into are robes." hermine said. "you heard her boys. out you go." i said making them stand up and pushing them out of the compartment.

"what? why do we have to leave?" ron asked. i smirked. "because i said so." i threw their robes at them then shut and locked the compartment door. they started banging on the door. "let us in!" they kept shouting. "as if. we're already changeing. there are bathrooms down the hall." i screamed back to them. i heard then hump and stomp away. me and hermine started laughing while we got are robes out and started changeing. when we finished we just sat down and started talking about the school and boys untill we came to a stop. "we're here. harry and ron...." her sentence died off as we relized we didnt let them back in. are eyes widened and we quickly went to the door and opened it to see too boys fall by are feet. they must have been sitting agianst the door. "opps." i whispered to hermine and we snickered. they quickly got to there feet blushing bright red. "why didnt you ever unlock the door?!"they screamed together. "i said opps what eles do you want me to say?" i asked him while getting my trunk. "how about an opolagie?" ron mumbled while him harry and hermine got there trunks. i looked at ron and harry and said, "i'm sorry." they smiled and i quickly put in. "for not doing it sooner." their smiles went away and were replaced by glares as me and hermine laughed.

we walked off the train and people were giving us weird stares. me and hermine finally stoped laughing while we got on an empty carrage. i saw what was pulling it but i for got the name of it (i really did forget its name. sorry). i looked at harry and ron who sat across from me and hermine. "guys, we're sorry. i guess just got cought up in are conversation. we're sorry." their glares went away and smiles. "opalage accepted." harry said. "so what were you girls talking about anyway?" ron asked.. "i swear their moods change like a pregnates womrns does." i whispered to hermine. we both laughed and not soon after we quit laughing we were at hogwarts.

when we got out of the carage malfoy and his dweebswent by whispering about somthing. harry magicly sent his things to his room and said he needed to do somthing then left. "dont do anything i would!" i screamed after him. ron and hermine laughed at me and we magicly sent are stuff to are rooms then went and hung around by the main hall doors since dinner didnt start for about thirty minutes. "wheres harry? he's been gone for a while." i finally said. they shrugged. "i'm going to g find him i'll see you guys later." i went and searched everywhere i thought he mite be. then i thought of somthing. he followed draco. that dickhead. i spacificly said not to do anything i would do! and just to clear some things up i wouldnt be following him cause i'm interested in him which i'm totally not. i would follow him so i could see what evil thing he would be doing this time. i went down to the slytherin coomon room then snuck up to dracos room. i quietly opened his door in case he was there.

he wasnt. i opened the door fully an saw a few drops of blood but nothing eles. i walked in a little more and i hit somthing. i looked down but nothing was there but you know what they say. 'nothing is how it apperars' so i bent down and reaached my hand out. i felt somthing like a cloak and i knew what it was. it was the invisability cloak somone had given him from our dad. yes he told me all about it. i pulled it off him and there lay harry, blood all over his face. i could tell a spell was on him so he couldnt move so i pointed my wand at him and closed my eyes. you all remmber how i said spells just roll off my tounge? well they arnt the usuall spells. "lavinatra." i said then opende my eyes and put my wand away. i bent down and helped him up. i took his head in my hands and examened his face. "you just have a brocken nose." i told him. i took my want back out then fixed his nose then put my wand away. i quickly went to dracos bathroom and got some towels and went back to harry so he could wipe the blood on his face off.

once he did we started heading to the great hall. we stoped right beside the doors. the first years had already been sorted. "i'm gonna kill him." harry growled. i put my hand on his shoulder. "no dont." he looked at me weird. "i have somthing better in mind." i said. "whats that?" he asked curiasly. i smirked. "you'll see." we then went into the great hall and to are tables without anyone seeing us. i took a seat by sarah and she looked up at me then went back to talking to blake. "oh so thats how you'r going to treat me? i come all the way back here and you just ignore me? i'm quite affended." i told her in a hurt voice. she quickly turned back to me with eyes wide. "kristen?" she whispered. "no its the cookie monster." i said sacasticly. she almost made me fall out of my seat because she practicly jumpde on me hugging me. when she finally got off me i put some food on my plate. it was just then that i relized pansy was infront of my and clbe was beside hre then malfoy was beside him then goyle was on the other side of malfoy. "so whats the lastest scem you'r been up too?" sarah asked. blake had moved to the other side of me and gave me a hug. i put some food in my mouth then when i wsa done i whispered to sarah and blake. "watch."

the looked at me curiasly but i just put a spoon full of mashed patatos in my mouth then out of nowhere draco stud up on the table and shouted, "i had an anouncment to make." everyone shut up and looked at him. did i ever tell you i could controle peoples thoughts and body? opps, must have slipped me mind. "i'm inlove harry potter!" he shouted. everyone went wide eyed and i turned and looked and harry, ron and hermine. they we're all wide eyed. harry caught my eye and he saw me smirking which made his eyes get even bigger then i yturned back to look at draco. "and i can prove it!" he quicly pulled down his pants to show some whity tiddy's with harry potter's face all over them which i magicl put on him. then he started danceing like he was rideing a horse. i bit my tounge so i wouldnt laugh but when he fell face first into the mashed patatos i couldnt help it. i started laughing so bad. i released him from my controle and he raised his head. "draco?" i choked out. he looked at me. "if yopu wanted to date harry you could have just told me. but i'm sorry to tell you, harry's straite."

i burst into laughs and this time i fell on the floor which only made me laugh harder. "what are you talking about?" draco spat. he looked around him to see everyone stareing at him. i tried to controle my laughing while getting up and sitting back down in my seat. he then sat up and saw his pants were down and he had harry potters face all over his whitty tiddys. "what the hell!!!" draco screamed. i laughed louder now. "draco's rainbow!" i screamed while laughing. he looked at me. "it was you!! i'm gonna kill you!!!" he said. i quickly jumped out of my seat while he pulled up his pants. i was already out of the great hall when he jumped off the table. that was so funny.

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