chapter 1

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Dedicated to ananya@annhathor , my first wattpad friend. Thanks Ann, for being a great support

This is my first attempt to write a story in wattpad..... so do not tolerate any mistakes or plot setbacks. I do wish you should vote and comment, but more than that I want you guys to give truthful opinions and feedbacks for my story.

First day of college...! A normal girl would overflow with excitement and get blown up with nervousness. I considered it yet another beautiful day of my perfect life. I had made it into one of the top most MBA institute in India, after finishing my undergraduate degree.

I began walking into the college campus. "Are you new over here?", asked a girl with cute curly hair and brown eyes.(I suck at description of features...!)

"Yeah. I am Abi. Are you too?", I replied.

"Yes, I am Yamini. Let's look for the way to our classroom together ", she said and dragged me with her and that's how I found my new friend in this college.

As we walked together towards our classroom, I became aware of all details about her. Even if you ask what her favourite colour is or what is her pet's name, I could have answered.

"As I was saying it was really difficult for me to leave home and...", she stopped mid sentence and literally shouted "Look there!” I looked in the direction she asked me to and found a guy with a beer bottle.

Before him were sitting my supposed to be seniors with their mouth wide open. Now I understood everything. This is something prevalent in most of the colleges in India. The existing students of the college ask the new comers to do something hilarious.

You want examples......there are thousands. Asking the new comer to drive a non existing cycle, to swim in the ground, to fake propose a girl, to try to smoke....the list goes on like this.

The seniors had asked this guy to drink alcohol imaging that he would tremble and deny. But being the killer dude he is, he just took the bottle, tilted it to his mouth and drank the whole thing off.

I waved at the guy and dragged Yamini along with me towards him. "Hi", said the guy, "you are here already".

"I am. Yami, this is my best friend vijeesh and viji, this is my new found friend, Yamini", I introduced. They shared a 'hello'.

Vijeesh became my best friend 5 years back when I entered high school. It took us just a second to bond and from then on we had been sticking on to each other.

"Let's get you something else than alcohol to drink. You smell like beer and vodka mixed together", I said and dragged both my friends towards the canteen. Just because I liked the way he managed the situation, it doesn't mean that I encourage him drinking!! Alcohol is something I am purely against. Viji mock saluted the seniors and followed me. Oh, the expression in their face was priceless and I felt like shouting "In your face!!!!"

The canteen of the college was good too, well furnished, nice I was busy admiring the canteen, some liquid icy and chocolaty fell on me. Uh! Chocolaty!

A guy was standing in front of me. He bumped into me or... I bumped into him..anyway that resulted in icy cold chocolaty drink all over me......!

Expecting him to apologize I stared at him but what I got back was another stare.
Yami came running to me with a handkerchief, "Come soon, the class is about to start. You do not wish to be late for the very first class, do you?” saying so she pulled at my hand.

"Yeah I am coming." I said and started walking towards the classroom, but only after giving the guy the death stare.

Viji welcomed me to class with his uncontrollable laugh. "What is so funny here? Why are you laughing?" I asked him. Whoa..! I expected this idiot to come and beat that guy black and blue and he is laughing?Frustrating....!

"Ha ha hee..all over...ha ha you..!" He hinted between his laughter. Being a nerd, reading between lines is easy for me, but reading between laughter wass not so easy. Yami was no less. Soon she too joined him in laughing.

Ignoring their laughter, I thought about that horrible incident and that mysterious guy. He was too good looking to be bad. Any normal human would ask a sorry. This idiot should at least have shouted at me for spilling his drink." That idiot would at least have poured coffee instead of chocolate..why chocolate?" I sighed. The guys had made his way right into my ‘bad books’ and trust me it’s really bad for him...

Author’s note:

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Love you all.

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