chapter 6

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P.O.V Abi

I was peacefully seated in my class, waiting for the lecture to start. It took me one bucket full of water and a lie that viji was waiting for Yami and me in the college, to wake Yami up. I made a mental note to avoid the chocolate boy as much as possible.

Viji came in seconds before the lecture was about to start, along with Abijeet. "Hi", greeted the boys in unison. I acknowledged their greetings with a smile. Unlike I expected, the chocolate boy sat in the seat behind mine, beside viji, leaving his usual trademark last bench. The lecturer arrived at that very moment, leaving me to keep all my doubts and questions to myself.

A few minutes after the lecture started, Viji pulled me backwards and dumped a paper in my hand. "When did he start communicating this way?" I thought as I opened the crushed paper with utmost care.

'Will you come for a date with me?', the paper stated. The thought of Viji asking me out made me laugh than confused or angry.

I turned around and raised my eyebrows, silently questioning about the paper and the message. Once he understood what I was asking, he hurriedly pointed his finger towards Abijeet.  Abijeet!

Abijeet smiled and asked, “Will you date me?". I was so confused to completely take in what he said. "What?", I ended up asking stupidly.

"He wants to take you to a date, Stupid!" Yami squealed in excitement. This was meant to be heard by only me, but unfortunately our lecturer heard it too. My hard luck!

"Mr. Abijeet and group! Out of my class, now!” said my lecturer.

I reminded unaffected by the command. I was never a member of 'Abijeet's group'.

“Ms. Abi Iyer, you too. Please move out.", my lecturer said through his crunched teeth. “But sir....", I started to explain my position to him, But Yami rudely cut me off by pulling me towards and gradually out of the door.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I am a nerd, remember? I hadn't faced such a situation in my entire academic life. I did a successful job in hiding my tears. My friends are not rude. They are kind and understanding. But they are not nice enough to leave a girl crying for being sent out without mocking her.

We went straight to the canteen, to celebrate our achievement, I guess. I scanned my friends to see of I could find traces of shame or sorrow. No, there wasn't any. Guess I was the only one.

Yami and Viji decided to stop by a group of people, who were our acquaintances. I was in no mood to socialize. I walked straight to an empty bench. The chocolate boy followed me to take a seat opposite to me.

"Hey cry baby! Stop flooding the floor with your tears. Being sent out of class is no big deal.", he tried consoling me. I just stared back in response. Of all the people, why should he find out I was crying? How did he find out I was crying?

"So our first date is in our college canteen, I guess", he said with a smirk.

“I would rather kill you than date you.", I replied as angrily as possible." What are you thinking idiot? I do not know anything about you expect your name! I just met you yesterday and you are asking me for a date!", I mentally screamed at him.

Just at that moment, Yami and Viji came to join us.

"It’s a double date, I guess." Yami exclaimed. I glared at her. After all , that's all I could do. I was expecting a giggling and mocking Viji. When I didn't get what I expected, I turned towards him. There he was, sitting with a goofy grin in his face. His cheeks were turning pink. Viji was blushing. Blushing!

Viji was that type of guy who makes girls blush and drool. I had seen him smirk and smile, but never had I see him blushing. There was my 'Bad Boy' friend blushing like an eighth grade girl. This calls for some serious investigation.

The chocolate boy disturbed my happy moment of analyzing my friend and said," I am going to get something to eat for all us. Anyone coming to lend me a helping hand?", he asked eyeing me.

"As if I would!", I thought and simply stared at him. But I knew that if I was not going to volunteer, Yami or Viji would end up going and they were too cute to be separated.

“Okay! Come!", and ended up saying and sighed before moving towards the counter with chocolate boy.

"One chocolate milkshake, two strawberry milkshakes and a coffee please.", I said to the lady at the counter.

Viji looked at me in amusement and said," Wow, you know all our favourites! Sorry, that thing about our date, I said that in an attempt to get you angry and make you speak to me! Why are you ignoring me?"

I felt a hint of disappointment. He was playing with me. But how could I let it show? I covered it up with my words, "Haha! What made you think that I am ignoring you? Why should I? I am not ignoring you", I paused before continuing again,"Even when I am so cool, I didn't expect you to ask me for a date this early! We hardly know each other. So don't feel sorry." I said with a smirk of my own.

He smiled and said, "Yeah, you are right. We hardly know each other. Time to know more! I am from Punjab. Where are you from?"

"Tamil Nadu", I replied and instantly, my mind began to think about all the romantic possibilities between a Punjabi and a Tamilian.

"Hellooooo...", the chocolate boy waved his hand in front of my face to grab my attention. I gave an idiotic smile to him. I scolded my brain for the stupid thoughts it comes up with.

"Here, sweety", the waitress handed me what we had asked for. We walked towards the table occupied by our friends. I dumped the chocolate milkshake I was carrying into Abijeet's hand, before sitting down to sip my delicious coffee.

Viji was smiling too wide that I was worried he might get a mouth ache. I had never seen my friend this happy. However, I couldn't leave an opportunity to embarrass him and make him feel uncomfortable. I am his best friend after all.

"So, what were you two happily chatting about?", I asked eagerly looking at Yami and Viji as took a sip of my coffee.

Viji smirked. I expected him to smile and blush."We were speaking about how cute you and Abijeet look together. You both would make a great couple! Do consider my idea, you two", he said and winked at me.

I choked on my coffee and began coughing violently on hearing his words. "Relax, that's not a bad idea", said Abijeet and patted my head in an attempt to relieve me of coughing. His words pushed his attempt into insignificance and I ended up coughing even more.

Author's note:
Hi readers,
Romance between a Punjabi boy and a Tamilian girl :

Soap opera: Yeh hai mohabbatein
Movie: 2 states
Book: 2 states
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