Chapter 16

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I was sitting in our college cafe with a coffee mug, in my hand, staring at the wall before me. People who saw me at that time would have thought that I am a widow, mourning her husband's death. I giggled a little at the thought, earning a worried glance from Yami who was sitting beside me. Great, now my best friend has serious doubts about my sanity.

I saw Viji waving at me from the entrance of the cafeteria and replied with a small hi of my own. He came and sat before me.

"Abi will be here and he said he is bringing his girlfriend along.", Viji said, with his face showing no expression.
"Oh! I am so excited.", Yami said, the sarcasm in her voice ruining her fake enthusiasm.

Both my best friends turned to me to see my reactions. I gave a 'no comments' look.

I heard the cafe door open and glanced at the entrance. There he was, Abi, accompanied by a girl. I fought with my urge to knock her down to the ground with a punch. I tried to make eye contact with Abi but in vain. The guy was analysing the colour of the cafe wall and my lenghty glance at him failed to divert his attention from it. Okay, if that's the way you like to have it, be of so.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend, Julie. She got admission in our college and is going to join as in our class to complete the course which she discontinued in her former college." Abi said his practiced speech and let out a small sigh. Abi seemed like he would run out of the cafe the very moment, had there not been there a chick who was clinging to his right arm as her very life depended on him. On the contrary, the girl was visibly jumping a little due to excitement.

I returned a small 'hi' for her high pitched 'hi guys'. Viji gave her a small smile.

Yami didn't not return the greetings but instead asked,"How did you manage to make it to this college in the middle of the academic year?"

"Oh! You can do anything in India if you have a rich dad", she said and laughed for her own 'joke'. But instead of humour, her voice just held pride and superiority.

I exchanged a glance with Yami. "Abi, Prof. Susan had asked you to meet her at nine, right? Isn't it time for you to make a move. The prof is not known for her patience." Yami sure has the ability to read my mind.

"Yeah right! Bye, guys", I tried to make eye contact with Abi, the wall manage to get his unbreakable attention. I took my bag and started walking.

"Abi! Wait.", I heard someone call.

I turned around to see Julie taking wider strances to reach me.

"I just want to talk to you in private", she said. I was definitely now prepared to do that talk. But I liked up all my courage and smiled at her.

"I didn't know you guys were in love. Had I known earlier, I wouldn't have done what I did. If that's what you want to talk about, don't worry, I wouldn't seduce him and make him love me and leave you." I said in a go and continued to walk.

"Just a minute.", she said and I halted. She walked up to face me." I just want to tell you that such a technique for seducing him will never work. So leave him alone and find another guy." She replied with a sly smile.

"You don't have a say in my love life. I will maintain distance from him if the closeness between us makes you insecure.", I said with a wink and walked away leaving a frowning Julie.

The moment I moved away from her, a chain of tears flowed from my eyes. At least, I can flaunt about having loyal tear glands.

Author's note:
Hey guys! Please don't kill me for this extremely late update and awfully small chapter.
Hugs and love,
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