Chapter 12

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"My retina gets super excited on your arrival and captures countless stills

All the neurons in my brain stop working, making me go out of my senses
My heart beats faster as it attempts to tear open my body and run to you
My nose inhales your deep scent even when you are metres away
My feet could could barely control the urge run into your arms
My ears await to hear your words of love
And my lips just say,"Just wait till I get into action...!", I wrote in my diary. It was an odd time to write a diary, as I was sitting in my classroom beside Abijeet, waiting for the class to start.

I sat there smiling and beaming at words, completely ignoring the series of wierd stares I was getting from Abijeet. I didn't know what had happened to me. I had started behaving like a lovelorn girl, even when I didn't even have a crush. I formed totally romantic words like these in my head, smile the whole stupid time I am thinking about it, smile the whole stupid time I write them down, and spend whole stupid minutes smiling at it after completion.

"Abi, the results are out! Come and check!", Yamini shouted with excitement from the entrance of my class.
"Coming!", I shouted back with equal enthusiasm, took my diary, smacked the poor soul who was sitting beside me fully indulged in some book about human physcology ,in the head and ran towards the noticeboard, with him chasing me. Trust me, that is the only way to make that guy lift his head from his psychology books. I could never under the guy's interest in phychology, despite it being totally not related to our course, which consisted of arithmetic, finance and marketing.

I reached the notice board panting and laughing, and pushed my way towards the front, making through the human herd. My eyes scanned the top of the list, and the result didn't disappointed me. I topped the course and next to my name, was the name of the guy whom I had being hanging with most of the time in the last few months. Viji and Yami had also passed with decent grades. I sensed a familiar hand pull me by my shoulder and before I could realise it, I was in that familiar warm embrace.

"I know you will top the class, you are the 'nerdiest' girl I have ever met...!", he tried to hide the pride in his voice by his words, but his attempt was futile.

"Then you would be the second most nerdiest person in this planet. I am proud of you chocolate boy", I half screamed to make my voice audible despite the human screams of joy there, and gave him a brief hug.
Right after the moment I pulled out of the embrace, I was pulled into another embrace. Of course, I was expecting Yami to come and squeeze me and take the air out of my lungs, but the person in whose hug I fell into was not Yami, actually, not a girl at all.

"Congratulations Abi. You have make your mark in this institution.", said the chairman of my college, Vinod, after I pushed out of the embrace.

"Thanks", I replied with an urge to end the talk quickly. But Vinod had other ideas.

"Actually, I am here to invite you to my birthday party, which I am going to host tomorrow. You should definitely come", he kind of ordered me.

"Oh really!", I exclaimed in fake excitement, "Advance happy birthday Vinod. I will try to come".

"Oh! Almost the whole of the college is invited. So don't avoid the invitation in the fear of rumours connecting you and I", he said and winked at me.

"I am not the one to be afraid of the rumours, chairman sir.", I responsed and he visibly crinched at the word sir.Annoy me, and trust me to annoy you even more. Thank your stars that I didn't address you as bhaiya, or even worse, Uncle. I could and would.

"Call me Vinod. Your friends, Abijeet, Vijeesh and Yamini are invited too. I will be waiting for your arrival." He didn't even spare a glance at Abijeet, who was standing beside me while saying it and walked away. Abijeet bet him in ignoring, and didn't even acknowledge his presence or his invitation.

I let out a sigh of relief and walked with Abijeet in search of Yami and Viji. "The guy has a crush on you." Abijeet said in reference to Vinod. His expression was stone hard and his tone was definitely not teasing."So has he on half of the girls in the college. He is annoying but of no harm, chill.", I tried to cool Abijeet dowm, as he looked like he was going to go and beat that chairman guy to a pulp. Strangely, I felt relaxed and protected when with him. As I correctly assumed, we found Viji and yami in the canteen, at our regular place.

"Abi, Abijeet, you guys should definitely come to the party tomorrow.", Viji said as soon as we sat down opposite to them.

"I am not so sure about that", I replied truthfully.

"Come on guys, it's going to be a lot of fun.", Viji didn't give up on persuading us.

"That doesn't sound like my idea of fun.", Abijeet declined it.

"Guys, you both are coming. Case closed.", Yami ordered.

"Um, okay. I will come if Abijeet agrees to come.", I said. The idea of the party suddenly interested me as it means spending more time with Abijeet.

"His party means alcohol and alcohol means a no from me", he replied.

"Abijeet, come on you can't do this to me. Viji here is going to the party only with the intention of creating an alcohol scarcity in the party, and Yami, she agreed to come only because there are the rumours going about in the college that he is going to open a JOHNNIE WALKER BLUE LABEL tomorrow. I am in need of a non alcoholic companion.", I pleaded with him. I neither planned to drink or be the third wheel with Viji an Yami.

"Hey! That's a false accusation. I am not only going there for alcohol, but also to find a new date. The present one is so boring.", she said and winked at me.

Viji's face visibly twiched in pain and in anger and he said," Trust me to break all the 360 bone and 32 teeth of the guy who comes near you".

Yami's expression turned from a jovial one to an angry one."Someone does know how to make a silly joke to a serious issue, but doesn't know to express his feelings or acknowledge others feelings.", she angrily retorded.
"I like you Yami, and I have already said that to you", Viji replied, his voice so low. Yami continued to stare at him, initiating a staring game between them.

There is something staprange about relationship. Our heart carves for more than what we already get from the other person in the relationship. We decide to give time for each other at the beginning of the relationship, but we conveniently forget our decision, and pressurise each other for more.I made a mental note to not fall in an relationship.

Viji lost the staring game and made a signal to Abijeet to break this uncomfortable silence.

"Okay, it is decided. You three go to the party. Girls, bubye for you now. Abijeet and I are going to go to the mechanic to get our vehicles water washed.", he informed and dragged Viji, leaving a sulking Yami and a clueless me.

Author's note:
Hey fellas, I am a little off these days. If you guys find the chapter not my usual, please inform me. I will make sure to take special care while editing.
A huge thanks to one of most loyal readers, leo_megha for pointing out there errors and drawbacks in the previous chapter. Wish to see you all again soon,
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