Chapter 8

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P.O.V Yami
We came out of the crowded classroom. Even when I faked being all confident about this entire situation, I ended up sweating profusely and stammering for each and every word I said. Oh man, I was in a pitiable state.

"Oh god! I forgot to get Abijeet's bike key from that idiot. Just wait a second okay.", Viji said and motioned for me to wait as he made a move to get the bike's key.

"No, wait....", I dragged on and felt stupid for doing so. I could sense my confidence dwindling. I couldn't take chance. What if I totally lose confidence and not confess my love at all?

"Hey girl, don't even think about making me ride in your girlie scooty, Okay?", he asked for which I responded with an idiotic grin. I would have come up with a counter attack if I were my usual self.

“We need not go out anywhere! I just wished to talk to you ," I paused, “in private".I turned all serious. I decided I couldn't hold it any longer.

"I love you", I finally managed to say. I was surrounded by students buzzing here and there. The sun was right above my head and was burning me down. this was possibly the most unromantic way and place to propose but I cared less about that. But I got more nervous fearing the reply.

"What did you say just now?!", he asked. He seemed more amused than shocked. Before I could repeat what I had previously said he asked, “You love me! Yami, if I find this is a prank, I am going to kill you!".

"What makes you think I am playing a prank on you? I am real serious. You are now officially permitted to think that I am a freak! But what I said is true.", I said. By the looks on his face, I could clearly understand that no one would have confessed to him as such. But I could neither conceal nor bury my feelings for him. Why would I?

He came closer to me and held my hands within his."Yami, to be truthful, I like you. But I just can't force things to happen. We shouldn't make decisions we regret, right?" He said and paused. Did he mean that loving me would be a decision that he would regret? I felt tears well up. But I wouldn't cry. Not in front of him.

"I am not sure whether I love you. But I am sure that leaving you would be decision I would regret. I don't want to make that mistake", he paused to lift my chin to look into my eyes." I would be lying if I say that I am in love with you, I fell for you the second I saw you, etcetera. I don't wish to start a relationship with a lie. Just give me some time, okay....", he said and smiled.

There was truth in those eyes of his. I was able to find concern and care for me but no love."Maybe that's what I should do. Give him some time", I thought. I smiled back at him.


I love you. These words kept repeating themselves in my head. I would not say I was never in an relationship before. But those could not be described as sweet. I would not say girls had not confessed to me before. But none were this sincere.

I knew that I was attracted to her. I knew that this girl had some magic in her which made me go insane. But I hadn't seen that as love. I am mentally fucked up. I needed expert advice now and I got just that. I called to Abi and asked her to meet me in the canteen.

She was there before me. "Hi there!", she waved at me. I was in no mood to exchange pleasantries. I rushed to sit opposite her.

"Abi, Yami proposed", I said."Congratulations! ", she replied. I stared at her. She stared back.

Soon I got fed up with the staring contest and said," Aren't you supposed to give advice to me on relationship as my best friend? What am I supposed to do when a girl I barely know propose to me?!".

"You know what, best friend? It is highly strange to blush for what people whom you hardly know say", she said and smirked.

"Should I ask her for a date?", I switched topic. I definitely didn't want her to dwell on details of how I blushed.

"Do whatever you want crazy! I am really hungry. At least buy me a coffee for spending my precious evening listening to your blabbering.", she said.

I obliged to her request, okay order, and walked towards the counter. We talked for a long time. She didn't even give me a word of advice, but by the end of the conversation my mind was at peace.

Author's note: 

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