Chapter 11

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P.O.V Abi

"No", I said to Abijeet as calmly as possibly.

"Why?", he shot back.

"Because it is already late and I am dead tired. I have to reach my hostel in single piece."

"I promise to drop you safe and sound in your hostel. Please!", he pleaded.

" But...", I started, but was cut off by him.

"No buts...! Please! Pretty please!", he was like a child pleading for chocolate.

"Don't behave like a child. How old are you, five?", I groaned in frustration.

"No, I am twenty two.", he replied. Suddenly, kneeled down before me and held out his hand.

"What are you doing, crazy?!", I half screamed.

He removed the ring on his finger slowly with grace. I could almost hear the group of teenage girls beside us coo. Of course, we were their evening show.

"Will you..." He began. "Say yes!", a girl from the group shouted without even knowing what the question is. "Who do you think you are? Cupid's girlfriend?!", I mentally snapped at her. I gave her a glare. I diverted my glare to the trouble maker. I pulled him off his kneeling position by his collar and make him stand.

"The girl is going to kiss him now", the same girl tried to whisper to the one beside her. If there is a book about how to whisper, the girl definitely needs that.

"Atleast answer me now! Will you come to my house now?", he asked innocently as if he doesn't have any connection with this stupid scene right out of a cliché Bollywood movie, where the boy would propose to the girl, and random people, correction, insane people on the street would encourage her to say yes.

"Just take me away from here", I said and climbed on his bike, but not before calling him weirdo, freak, idiot and insane.

But as soon as the ride began, I began enjoying myself. I don't know why or how, but I always had connection and affection towards bike. I always wanted to have one, but my brother said that I needn't buy one, and could use his bike anytime I want. I was short on funds at that time and my brother, being the sweet one he is, let me use his. But I did make him regret his decision. Let's not talk about that.

Within a few minutes, we were there in front of the house. The distance between the restaurant and his house was short. I assumed that to be the reason for his decision to force me to come to his house.

He practically jumped from the bike, leaving me sit in the bike's passenger seat. I managed to escape from getting kicked in my face by him and falling on to the ground with the bike on top of me, and pushed myself to the driver's seat to lock the bike, thanks to my driving experiences, and not to mention the scars.

In all his fake gentlemanliness, he held the door of his house open for me to enter with a broad smile. I glared and him before entering his house.

His house was pretty clean for a student's. It looked unnaturally perfect.

"You have a beautiful house, Mr. Abijeet", I admired his sense of tidiness and beauty. "I know that", he replied immediately earning a glare from me."oops...I am supposed to thank you for your compliment right? Thanks a lot Ms.Abi.", he said and I smiled in victory.

I glanced at my watch. It showed 8 pm. "Oh my god! It is 8'o clock. Only empty vessels will be there in the dining hall to greet me in my hostel now! You are supposed to feed me dinner tonight. Please say you cook like a pro. Or at least say that you own a magical porridge making pot like that in the fairy tale' THE MAGICAL PORRIDGE POT' or at least say that you have invented a machine that would make food like that in the film' CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS'!", I partially screamed at him.

"I would go by the first option", he replied calmly.

"You could cook...!Unbelievable!", I exclaimed.

"You are judging me for the second time today." He responded casually.

"Okay! Sorry," I apologised," But don't expect me to help you in this. I would literally cut my fingers if I try to chop vegetables, I would probably burn my hand if I attempt to fry something and I am sure I would burn the house down if you allow me to cook", I explained my cooking abilities to him.

He gave an amused look and responded to my short speech," I promise that I wouldn't seek for any help from you. Just wait for half an hour, eat your dinner and leave my house alone. You have evil thoughts." He said dramatically before making his way to the kitchen.

After my defeat in finding any cute childhood photos with crazy poses to tease him with as he cooked, I made up my mind to go and disturb him as he cooked. I made myself comfortable in the stool that was placed near the kitchen slab. Had it been my home, I would have sat on the slab itself.

My eyes began to tear up...the side effect of the onions he was chopping. I made a mental promise to never learn cooking.

As I noticed him giving final touch to his dishes, I got from my comfortable position to go and set the table.

There was a vast display of dishes on the table. He had prepared panner butter masala alongside roti, fried rice, fruit salad, and of course, a cup of hot streaming coffee, specially for me. I assumed that he invited me to flaunt about his extravagant talent in cooking, which I obviously lacked. The food was extremely delicious.

Even after he dropped me back in my hostel, my mind refused to stop thinking about him. 'It would be great to have a great cook as him to be my life partner.' my ludicrous mind thought, and I smacked my head for thinking so.

He sure had some effect on me.

Author's note:

Hi there buddies,

You have full rights to trash me for late updates, but I do have my 'lame' reasons. I would be concentrating more on this story because I am as eager as you to see it completed.

Love you all...

your feed backs make my day, your votes make me jump in joy and your comments and follows make me cry out of happiness.

So make my day awesome, make me jump in joy and make me cry out of happiness. okay, now that sounds desperate!

okay then, bubye till next chapter.

P.S Sorry for making this chapter dead short.... infinity and beyondWhere stories live. Discover now