Chapter 14

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P.O.V Abi
"Abi! Get up. It's 8 pm. You don't have any intention of bunking the class today, do you?", Yami's voice echoed in our room and I buried my face deeper in my pillow and pulled my blanket even closer.

"I know that you are awake. You couldn't sleep even if you wish to after 4 am. Cut the act", Yami said as she dried her wet hair.

I tried my level best to make my eyes look heavy and my face tired. After making a few trial attempts under the blanket, I mumbled my practiced words to her,"I am not feeling quite well", I didn't forget to cough a bit for effect and continued, "You move ahead. I will manage".

"Over acting. If you do not get up now, I will lift you from your bed and give you a piggy back ride to class. Then your prince charming will see his sleeping beauty. Trust me, I could and would do what I said", she warned.

Her phone's beeping interrupted her intensely staring at me. She grabbed it and read the text she received."Well and good! Today's first lecture has been postponed for an hour due to some important meeting of faculty. Better spit out your probelm now."

"Was I heavily drunken yesterday? When did I wake up after getting unconscious?", I asked her hoping that she would have the answers to my questions.

"How am I supposed to know that?", she replied smirking.

"You should be knowing that because it is you who brought me back to hostel?", my statement came out as a question. Please say it was you.

"No, it was not me.", she paused and smiled."Abijeet came to us and said that he will bring you. We decided to leave a little later. So it was him, who sneaked you in."

"How the hell did he mange to bring the drunken and unconscious me in his bike?", I asked doubtfully.

"I have no clue about that, but when I came back, you were sleeping like ambeautiful princess, who while going to sleep, gets tucked in and receives a goodnight kiss. Now my turn to question. What is your probelm?", she asked with total seriousness.

"I did something at party last night",I replied with uncertainity.

"Let's get this clear. What the hell did you do?", Yami's voice was coated with frustration.

"I called Abijeet", I responded, my voice low.

"I couldn't see nothing to fear about by that.", she rolled her eyes. I inhaled deeply and narrated to her the happenings of the previous day.

"Whoa Whoa Whoa...! Let me get this clear. You took ten shots of vodka in your first try of alcohol?", she began her series of questions.

"Um..", I gave a positive answer.

"And you called Abijeet over a stupid bet?" She sounded shocked.

"Yeah...but what I said to him is true. I do love him."I answered truthfully
"And you made a drunken proposal to Abijeet?" She raised her eyebrows in awe.

"Stop shooting me with questions and say what I should do now...!" I cried out. Tears swarmed from my eyes. I had imagined love to be something magical, but not something this painful.

She came near me and put a hand over my shoulder,"Babes, there is no probelm to be solved at all. You usually say that I am good at relationships, right? Then trust my words, I see a flourishing one between you and Abijeet. The not so easy way, go and propose to him again in your sane and sober state. Easy way, just wait, he will confront you about last night."

"Easy way it is", I decided and gave her a feeble smile. Within five minutes, I was ready to go to college, to face my love for the first time after I realised I love him. infinity and beyondWhere stories live. Discover now