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Hope's POV

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Hope's POV

He took me to his special place and I scoffed when I saw a deserted lot that looked like it was abandoned years ago, I take a step to the left and go behind the wooden cabin only to find there is a beautiful river and a beautiful skyline.

"I like geography best because mountains & rivers know your secrets."He said smiling at me and I listen to him
"When I came here the first time I thought how lovely and how strange the river is.
A river is a river, always there, and yet the water flowing through it is never the same water and is never still.
It's always changing and is always on the move. And over time the river itself changes too. " He ends with another smile.
Are people like that? I wonder, Am I like that? This deep thought consumed me. They made me question myself. He is right.

"You know, Clichés are not really my thing," I say teasing him.

He smiles my way slightly, a little sadly, and then he just turns his head towards the view to watch the sun go down, while I watch him. And then I realize. The significance of this place. This is where he goes to be alone. It's a place I didn't know guys have. I now know where this big boy goes to cry and forget all his troubles.

"Do you bring all the women here?"
I can't help but bite my lip when I ask him, I need to know because from whichever side I start, I think I am in a place where another woman he took has been before me.

"No, I don't bring anyone here," He says and turns his head away.

I try to believe him but I can't.

"You don't believe me? I promise you. It's my home. This place is my home. I don't just take anyone here. My home is not just the river and the abandoned cabin. Home is a state of mind, the peace that comes with the place. I had always run away here when I needed to be alone and had time to think. The place was with me through all my dark nights and hard time as I was a child. It is special to me. So believe me when I say this, you are special to me" He says kindly, sweetly, and cute.

I melted when he was talking. I love how deep his thoughts are, I love how smart his mind is, I love how his lips are moving when he is speaking,
"I hope, Sir," I say shyly and surprised by his answer that gave me chills.
"Call me Lorenzo please Hope," he says
"I will, Lorenzo" And I smile happily.
"What are we going to do?"I ask him playfully and before I even say it he has his clothes off and jumps into the river.

Oh no, I will not swim in this messed river. He'll no,
"Jump come on, join me Hope " Lorenzo playfully teases me.
"No, there is no way I don't have any clothes to change with me," I say shyly

"You can take my shirt," He says
"Well, the water is gross, It's not clean," I say truthfully
"You can take a shower when we come back," He says and he is right.

I try to find excuses to not swim with him
"What if a fish bites me or better what if some animal bites me or a snake," I say and as dumb as I sound I am really scared of animals in the river.
It's the truth
" I will protect you and animals will attack me first anyway not you," Lorenzo says charmingly.

"Fine you win," I say
He almost jumps out of water out of happiness before I continue:
"But under one condition"

"and that is?"He asks trying to cover his happiness with a serious face
"You need to answer 5 of my questions, and you can't lie," I say shyly and I feel my cheeks red.
"Done," He says quickly and I change into his shirt and jump in the water.

The water is warm
before I swim to him he asks
"Are you a good swimmer?"
"Yes, I am Lorenzo"I swim over to him, I know he is just playing with me and we both start laughing together.

I like him this way. Happy.
"A good swimmer knows how to swim through the river of life without drowning" He looks at me with a cute, sad face

"Well, I am still here, so that means I still didn't drown, right?" I joke and he laughs with me.

"It's my turn to ask questions" I try to keep our distance in the water.
"Are you really in the mafia?"

I shock him, He didn't see that question coming. He swims a little back, further away from me." How do you know that?" he seems concerned and scared.
"You know small town, people talk" I tease him.
"Yes, Hope But if you ever say a word to anyone about this I am going to make you suffer in ways you could never imagine." He laughs but I know he is not joking.
"I understand, Which mafia?"I ask
"Which mafia?" He asks me back like he didn't hear it right,
"Yeah in which gang is you?" I ask again

He thinks for a second and he looks like he is thinking if he is allowed to say it to me:
"Italian," He says quietly so I almost didn't hear him. Oh no, My mom's gang is Italian. Please god, don't do this to me. Please. I get scared, I need to make sure he is not working for my mom

"Which gang in Italy exactly?" I ask him worried

"Camorra," He says kinda scared of why am I asking him this

Thank god. My moms are Cosa nostra. It's a Sicilian mafia and he is not in it. Thank god.
God has different plans for me.

"Okay, I have two more questions" I add
"Go ahead," Lorenzo says.
"Do you love anyone?" I ask him
He looks into my eyes
"really love anyone?" He asks like he doesn't know the answer himself
"Yes, I do" He answers.

You have another question, Hope.
And before I could think of any question I spit out:
"Who is the one you love?"
"Me," He says proudly.
I am not even surprised. He is so full of himself. Ughh, It makes me angry but It's none of my business who he loves

"Why did you spend all of the questions on stupid things?" He Asks me
"They are not stupid" I defend myself

He swims over closer to me. He put my legs on his lap. I hugged him our bodies touching underwater. Suddenly he drowns me underwater. I laugh and he laughs with me. I try to drown him but he is too strong. I can't move him. We drown together and we open eyes underwater to see each other. When we come to the surface he kisses me. I feel his warmth, His tongue trying to push into my mouth and I let him. I love the taste of his lips. After we end our little makeout session in the river, I get cold so we go out because it is already cold and dark outside. We go to the cabin and change ourselves.

"Don't look" I mutter to him as I start to pull my shirt over my head and unzip my pants when I feel someone looking at me, I turn around and see Lorenzo is staring at my boobs.

"Don't look" I mutter to him as I start to pull my shirt over my head and unzip my pants when I feel someone looking at me, I turn around and see Lorenzo is staring at my boobs

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The next chapter will be juicy!! Stay tuned for Hope and Lorenzo's story. This is only the beginning. It gets better in every chapter! I promise ❤️❤️

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