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Lorenzo's POV:

I wake up freezing. I get up from my bed and I change my clothes. I can't shake her off my mind. It's already been a month since she went missing. I have no clue or no idea where she is or who took her. I can't sleep any more than 3-4 hours and I just can't stop thinking about her. Is she safe? Is she dead? I could have protected her. But I didn't. She should have been by my side all the time. I can't eat and I can't even fuck any girls. All I do is think about Hope.

I need her. I need her to hug, her kiss and I need to hear her voice. I miss her smile and her touch. I want to smell her lovely body and enjoy every second of it. She is mine. She is my bella. She is the one I want.

I take the whiskey off the shelf and I pour myself a drink. My eyes are watery, thinking if I will ever get a chance to see her again. To kiss her. To feel her. Hold her in my arms

I can't hold my anger in anymore and I throw the glass on the wall and it breaks. The pieces are shattered into millions of pieces. I break on my knees and I cry. I can't hold the pain inside of me anymore. I need my bella.

The only lead I have on her missing is her roommate Olivia. She had something to do with it. She disappeared at the same time Hope was kidnapped. Nobody saw her since then. All my men are looking for clues but nothing. They found nothing.

Suddenly I hear a knock on my doors and I slide them open so I see who came. It's one of my men.

"Boss, we found Her roommate Olivia, where should we bring her?" He says

"What, really? take her to the torture room now, we will get her to talk!Go!" I scream at him. Finally something good. Now I have Hope.
I change my clothes and I run downstairs to the torture room.
Yes, I have a torture room in my house. That's what I do. It's mafia, baby.

When I come inside I see 4 of my men holding her and tieing her to the chair. I come in front of her as she starts laughing.
"What is funny, you little bitch" I scream at her annoyed.

"You are funny. You don't scare me, Lorenzo."She continues to laugh

I come closer to her. No one. No one will disrespect me. I can kill her in a blink of an eye. She doesn't have any idea who she is messing with.

"Don't fucking disrespect me you bitch, I should scare you." I stab her in the chest.

But she continues to laugh. She is a really stubborn annoying little bitch.

I stab her in the chest again. She starts crying

"O look at that, Is it not funny anymore? huh? Where is she? Where is Hope?" I scream at her ready to almost kill her. She is making me angry and insane. I am losing my mind.

"Not gonna tell you big boy" She smiled lightly.

This bitch really think she's funny

"Fine, we can make this the hard way me, I gave you chance to go pretty," I say.

After hours of my men torturing her, I come back and see her at the same place, the only difference is there is blood everywhere. I slap her so she wakes up. She jumps and screams wanting to kick me but I can lift her with my one hand. I am stronger.

"So? tell me, where is she? Where is my bella" I ask Olivia

She can barely talk. But I know she will talk because it's either snitch or death. We all know what she will choose.

"She...Hope is in Italy" She says with a very, slow and quiet tone.

"In Italy?? What he fuck is doing there? Tell me what do you know? Who took her from me?" I scream at her ready to kill her.

"It...It was her mother, my boss. I work for her" she cries.

"And why would her mother kidnap her own daughter?" I scream asking her

"Because she wants her" She sqiuks.

"She needs her. "She adds

"Why does she need her?"I screamed getting very angry and frustrated

"She needs her so her mother can become La coza nostra leader."

She needs her daughter. Of course. That's why she will keep her alive. Her mother can be the leader until Hope is alive. That's why she needs her

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