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"Hope, come with me" He whispers in my ear trying his best to stay calm.

when we get out of the club he starts screaming

he says

"Okay, but for tonight I will do whatever I want with whoever I want"I go back inside and leave him standing.

Inside I go straight to the bar where Jade is at. I order myself a drink only to find someone already paid for it. Was it Lorenzo? Does he think he can fix everything by buying me a drink?

But then I find Jace waving at me.

He paid me.

How sweet of him.

I go over there to thank him for the drink and we start to talk. I had more than enough drinks and with every drink my vision is more blurry. I was never this affected by alcohol after 5 shots. There is something going on.

"Did you put something in my drink?" I ask Jace scared

"No, hope. You are just drunk. Dont worry. Come on Let's go. I will walk you home." Jace says and I agree with him.We make our way outside.

My head hurts and it's all blurry.

            LORENZO'S POV

I couldn't go inside knowing there is Hope with this new guy laughing and chatting. After an hour I hear the doors opening and I spot Jace carrying Hope. What the fuck did he do? is she drunk? Im gonna kill you
"Yes, boss. I got her" He says on the phone


I bring out my gun and attack him, I get in the taxi right after Hope gets in. We drove home.


I wake up and I jump out of the bed.

I look around.

Lorenzo's room.

Fuck. No.

I turn around to see him sitting on a chair watching me.

"Good morning, beautiful" He says

I can't believe how fake he is. Ugh. But  I still love him. Maybe deep inside of me there is still a litlle hope for him. For our love.

"What did you do? Where is Jace?" I freak out remembering stuff from last night

Jace put something in my drinks. I AM  100% SURE. I know I never get that drunk of whiskey, and I only drank a couple.

"Your friend Jace was trying to kidnapp you, I over heard him talking to his boss over the phone when I was outside" Lorenzo says.

Jace did that? That's why he drugged me. He must want me for his gang. I need to fix this quick

"Hope, Why are people after you?, what did you do?Is this something about your family?Your mother or uncle?" He asks stepping closer

"Lorenzo, It's nothing." I lie

"Even if there was something You should'nt get involved, I don't need your help" I add

"Love, wait"He stops me before I leave

"What, what could you possibly say to me Lorenzo? What?" I scream and cry

"I love you, I want you to be my wife, and I am going to speak to my father about this contest, try and stop it. okay?" He says

I want him to mean that. But I don't believe he does.

"First end this competition, speak to your father and then I will think about it. Lorenzo, I love you, too. But It's not really easy for me. I wish you could see that"I cry and leave.


I mean it. I hope she will se it.

I will prove her I love her.

She is mine.

I don't need no other woman's pussy.

Maybe It will be tough  but I love her.

I know she is hurt. I would be too if I saw her with other men. I'd be angry and hurt.

"So son what did you wanna talk about?" My father asks politely

"Father, I know how important this competition or "FESTIVAL" is ,but"

"No buts," He interupps me and conutinues "You will honor this family, your family. Lorenzo, It's time for you to be the boss. The leader of ... mafia"  My father ends

"I love one of them who is in the competition. She is comes from a strong mafia family but she is the only one left. She is the one special thing in my life. Father she thaught me how to love. This is the woman I was talking you about. The woman I had dreams about from my child hood. She was my angel. She still is. Her name is Hope and she is the only member left od the Italian Mafia, La coza Nostra. Her father was the leader. Now only she is left" I say

"Get her in here, Introduce me" Father order

"And son protect her, she is more special than you think" He adds

"What do you mean by that?" I ask

"You will see, Watch her 24/7"

"No, tell me now"I demand

"Lorenzo, when a woman stays the only one of a mafia leader family she is the soft gender, thefore more weak and easier to kill."

"Why would they kill her?"I ask

"Beacuse If they kill her they take her blood and become La coza nostra leader but she has to be dead." My father says

"And let me tell you, La coza nostra is the strongest mafia in Italy. Everyone in the world would kill her for that much power." He says

what the fuck.

"And how can I make sure she is okay?Is there any way? Please father. I love her, she can not die." I feel tears coming down my cheeks.

"Yes you have luck, my son. There is a way. If she would get married and have a child she could be protected."He says

"But it would take a year for her to have a child. What if they would kill her as soon as they found out she is pregnant with a baby. I know she couldnt take it. Her child dying" I say still crying

"When she anounnces a public pregnancy no one will touch her. Because when a mafia child is born you can't kill him or you lose your life. Even her. You can't kill a mother who is pregnant soon to be mafia leader."He says

So all I need to do is mske her a baby and marry her and she will ne safe. Thats why she was  talking about starting a family with me. That's why she said I will be the one to protect her. But I didn't. Now I need to fix this. I need to find Hope. Now."

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