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Hope's POV:

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Hope's POV:

The next day I got a message, exactly the number that Lorenzo called me from. I am determining it is him who is texting me. I look at the long message and I  start reading.

"Hello, beloved maids,

This message is automatically sent to all of you  20 housemaids who are working for me for the HIGH TIMES FESTIVAL I organized. The
HIGH TIMES FESTIVAL is a festival on an island. Only the people who have an invite get to come on the island. The festival lasts for approximately 6months. Every other day there are party's, lakes, pool parties. You all get to go to one of them when you are not working. Here is all the information you will need to know:

-In two weeks, on Friday at 10 am, there is going to be a driver in a taxi waiting for you in front of your buildings. The taxi will drive you to the airport. Don't be late. The plane leaves exactly at 11 am. If you miss the flight, don't bother calling me.

-at the airport, you can go buy yourselves food with the money I will send to you all in a week through the mail. Then you will have enough money for the plane ticket,  food or whatever you will want to buy. Flight is going to belong, so prepare yourselves.

-At the airport there will be a plane waiting at 11 am. You only need to buy yourself a ticket with the cash I sent. When the assistant at the receipt shop, asks you on which plane are you going to say you are going on the plane of the Lorenzo Esposito, me. And she will show you where do you need to go, what to do.

-There will be 20 housemaids. You are going to be working in Crews/ teams, after 1 month the teams change. Don't be bitches to each other, be thoughtful, I hope you all could be pals and not start any fights.

-Don't forget to take your passport and documents, you need the contract I sent you which you give your consent of working for me at the festival. Also, bring some clothes, and the urgent stuff you need, but don't take too much because we have everything on the island. We have shops, bars, clubs, everything you need. Whatever you want.

-All of the housemaids will get a uniform, they all have to wear the same uniform. You have to wear it all the time, except at night time. You will get uniforms through mail also.

-The chores, and week plan you get when we come to the island. It's work you need to do, when is your shift, when are you not working, What do you need to do in the day.

-Housemaids have 10 rooms, In one room there are two housemaids. The rooms are big, you have two big beds, a couch, a TV and your balcony. You also have a freezer in your room.

Here is the room list:

Room 100  = Jade and Jessie
Room 101  = Courtney and Brittany
Room 102 = Amber and Ashley
Room 103 = Lexi and Lauren
Room 104 = Paige and Sophie
Room 105 = Tiffany and Madison
Room 106 = Hope and Olivia
Room 107 =  Victoria and Paris
Room 108 = Emma and Scarlett
Room 109 = Isabella and Lindsay

-The keys to your rooms you get when you come to the house.

-Do you have any Questions? Don't understand something? Text or call me.

Your BOSS"

The first thing that I noticed in his text is me and Olivia in the same room

Who is Olivia?

Next thing, do I have to wear a fucking uniform? Nobody told me that. angry. I am furious. In two weeks? already? that's soon. I am nervous. A lot of questions were brought to my mind. I think I am going to like it on the island.

Two weeks passed like a second. Like they did never even happen. The past few days went extremely fast. I am nervous that today is the day I am going on the island. Where LORENZO is going to be. It's his Festival. It's his island. He is so rich he has his fucking island. I froze at the thought of that. It' 8 am and I still have two hours until I have to leave. I am packing the last little things. I  don't want to forget anything. I'm probably never going back to this town. Ever. It's better for me to not return to towns I had already stayed in. Because my mom could find me easier.

I got the uniform yesterday but I still didn't open it. I don't want to see it yet. I want to be surprised. But also I don't ever want to wear it.
But for 10.000 a month I will wear it, proudly
I got the money too. He sent a lot. Too much. I wonder if he sent that much money to every housemaid, or was it just me who got that much. I think I will never know that.
after I got in the taxi,  I was kinda feeling happy to go. An older man who looks like he is in his fifties is my driver and he is very nice. It was quite nice talking with him. He says he's been working for Lorenzo for a long time now. And I wonder how old is Lorenzo? I think about the incident at the bar with Lorenzo. I feel myself getting a little wet.

The driver played music on the radio,
and with that, I fell asleep. wake up, wake up, you are gonna miss your flight, mam" the Taxi driver is Slightly screaming

I wake up instantly, shocked and confused. I fell asleep in a taxi, shit. I thanked the driver and quickly ran to buy a ticket. The airport was big. I almost lost myself when finally there was the ticket stop. I come in and ask for a ticket flight for Lorenzo Esposito's plane. The assistant just nods and shows me the way. I follow her to the big hall where they look at the language. Then finally I step on the plane, I see 19 different, pretty girls. All older than 19 years old. They were all beautiful. I look around only to find one and only Jessie, I ran to her and hug her. She was very happy about going to an island. We both were very excited. We drank some wine and champagne. We talked, laughed and had fun.

The plane ride was 10 hours,  told me, Jessie.
I didn't fall asleep on the plane. I was thinking.
Hoping for the best.

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