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Hope's POV

I don't feel my legs or my hands and I can't move my fingers. My mother has kidnapped me and she is going to kill me. I need a plan. A really fast and good plan. It"s cold where am I? We are moving. I'm in a truck. I hear men talking Italian. I knew it. Coza Nostra. After approximately 40minutes we stop. I hear them open the door and I feel someone punches and I fall asleep.

My eyes are sore, I'm trying my hardest to move my legs but I still can't feel them. They tied me up with tight ropes on a small uncomfortable and painful chair. I hear a group of men talking to each other in Italian. They all have dark, clear, and harsh voices. After 20minutes I hear doors open and I hear a voice that is a little too familiar. It's the voice of my mother. Now comes the time she will kill me. I really need a plan.


"mi dispiace farti aspettare"(I'm sorry to keep you waiting)

"dovevo finire la cena" (I had to finish my dinner) My mother's voice is full of disgust and hatred. I hate her voice. Her ego. I hate her.

She chuckles

"è molto tempo che non ci si vede" (long time no see) she whispers in my ear and takes the blindfold off.

We are in an old and rusty abandoned house, it's cold and it smells bad. The chair is ancient and the ropes are very tight. 3 men are standing behind my mother, 2 beside her, and 4 behind me. She has the whole room covered. I see she has a team. I will try to manipulate her and escape. It's the only way before she kills me. And I know she will not wait long. My mom comes closer and before she can open her mouth I scream:
"I want to kill you, stupid bitch" And with that, I spit in her face.

"now hope, you will learn slowly, to never do that again" She smiles

and I see two men coming closer as they start to kick my ass. They are very lucky I can't move my hands and legs because if I could I would kill them. Suddenly I only see dark.

"Good morning "

I wasn't dreaming she actually kidnapped me. ugh

"good morning" I hear her disturbing and annoying voice and I want to just die.

"why don't you just kill me! I don't want to look and listen to you. Just end my suffering" I try to cry so I could manipulate her but I just can't fake cry for her. She doesn't deserve my tears.

"shh, stop crying, little stupid bitch" She giggles like she is really enjoying this.

"How did you find me on the island?"

"Why am I still alive?"

"Did someone snitch?"

"You don't ask questions! I would love to share with you my evil plan but, you know baby girl I would spoil all the fun" she laughs it off.

"How did you survive? You should have been dead " I ask her while grinning.

"You setting my mansion on fire while I was in it was a great idea, I confess. You almost killed me. My men had to take care of me and hospitalize me for 6months until I was good. But let me tell you something, I am here. And now I will hurt you " She chuckles evilly

"you know, I still don't know why you are keeping me alive" I mock her

"Be goofy like that and you will be dead in a second"

I hear the doors open. And like in a flash through the doors comes my uncle. He is cruel, he doesn't love. Even when I was a child he didn't love me and never play with me. He never bought me gifts or say happy birthday. He hates me. He is my only uncle. He is very strong, big, and powerful.

"well hello hello my little niece" I hear him say slowly

"long time no see big uncle" I joke

he giggles with me and says: " did your mother already spoil you the fun?"

he looks at her and she skahes her head no.

What are they hiding? What is their plan? They are planning something big.

" well let me tell you baby girl" He starts

"We need you alive because you are gonna help us "

"me? help you? help my uncle who hates me and my mother who wants to kill me and has been trying for 5 years to kill me? haha you must be insane. Never in million years, I would help you. Better kill me now" I say honestly knowing I am telling the truth

"oh honey, believe me, you are going to help us. We will take over all gangs and we will take over the world. We will be the best and unstoppable. We will have more power than you could imagine. More money. We will be the strongest gang in the world. Coza Nostra. And only then my dear daughter, we will kill you" she and uncle both laugh

"why me? don't you have like 100 of your men? what could I possibly help you with and they couldn't?huh?" I ask

why do they need me? why? In what evil plan do I have to participate? Why not just kill me?

"Nowhere, my little niece, things get complicated. you see it's really funny to me. When your mother and father were young they were in love. When your father turned 21 your grandfather told your father he needs to take over the family business. Your father wanted to become a mafia leader but there was only one thing missing. He needed one thing. A daughter. You, Hope. It's a funny thing becoming a gang leader. Because you don't just take over the business but you also become a father. My dearest, your father and mother have made you because of that. You were not made by love. They didn't want to raise a child. They hated children. You were made for the mafia. And that is why my little niece, you must be alive" he laughs when he ends talking.

"The mafia rule number 437: To become mafia leader you need a partner (wife, husband) and a daughter or son

The mafia rule number 661: If your partner who is a leader dies, your partner becomes the leader but only under circumstances that the daughter or son is alive. " My mother ends.

This is a disaster. all my life fell apart. Now I am really screwed.

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