(Spider-verse) Part 5

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Spider-ham: So, do we head straight to Fisk enterprise?

Peter: No...We'll make one more stop.

After the fight near May's home, Y/n is seen standing on the edge of a roof overlooking a part of Brooklyn. Before he could marvel at the sight further, Peter, Gwen, Noir, Spider-ham, and Peni landed on the rooftop as they stood behind them.

Y/n: "Are you guys lost or something? Fisk Enterprise is right over there. Unless you plan on recruiting me into your escapade then I'm gonna have to-"

Peter: "We know it's you Y/n"

Silence then befall on them only hearing the honks of the cars in the city that never sleeps before a chuckle is heard coming from Y/n

Y/n: "Cat's out of the bag now, huh?"

Y/n then took off his cloth mask before facing the Spider-men with a large grin on his face

Y/n: "So, how does it feel looking at a ghost?"

Gwen: "Y/n...Why didn't you tell us that you were Spider-man?"

Y/n: "Because I'm not."

Gwen: "But you-"

Y/n: "You think just because we have the same powers, I'll immediately become spider-man?"

Spider-ham: "But it's your calling"

Y/n: "You think I chose to get bit? A random New Yorker has the same chance of getting bitten as me."

Noir: "Look, Y/n being different can be hard, but you were given an amazing power. And with great power, comes great responsibility."

Y/n: "Don't you dare try to empathize with me. You see it as power with a heavy responsibility, but I see it as a curse plagued by a heavy burden on my life"

Peter: "It's always like that at first, but over time you'll-"

Y/n: "Says you! You had your life going well for you, but what about me!? My life has gone downhill ever since I got bit. Even before I was bitten, I get into fights, vandalize, and cause trouble for the police. I wasn't meant to be Spider-man."

Y/n the sat down on the edge as he recounts all his misfortune in his life, as he rethinks, Gwen slowly began approaching her as she speaks calmly to him.

Gwen: "You're scared of being alone are you? In this big of a world, you just want a place to belong, a place to go back to."

Y/n then began to recount a different memory, from a different Gwen as she says the same thing, word per word

Y/n: "Shut up..."

Gwen: "Then you can come back to me."

Y/n: "Shut up."

Gwen: "And I promise I won't ever leave you alone-"

Y/n: "I said SHUT UP!!!"

Gwen was taken aback by Y/n's outburst as he stood and faced Gwen.

Y/n: "Don't think I don't know what you're doing. You're trying to feel sorry for me because I'm like your Y/n, aren't you?"

Gwen: "No that's not-"

Y/n: "Liar! You feel sorry for me because I'm a Y/n. We'll I didn't ask for your pity!"

Gwen still tries to reason with Y/n as she went to try and hold him, but this enraged Y/n more as he shoved her to the ground.

Y/n: "Get the hell away from me!"

Peter: "Gwen!"

Y/n: "You were the one who wanted me out of your life, and now you want to come back like nothing ever happened! We'll it did, I may have superpowers but I'm still human."

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