(The Amazing Y/n L/n arc) Part 4

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After getting moderate hours of sleep when he got home, Y/n boarded a bus to Hudson Valley where he, with the help of D.A.R.C, was able to locate Alchemax's facility. 

After reaching his stop, he saw dozens of scientists roaming around with coffee mugs in hand. Needing a better vantage point, Y/n made his way up a few rocks before standing atop a cliff, overseeing the entire facility, seeing a few buildings for inventions, some for test ground experience, and one building that held his objective, according to the map layout that D.A.R.C has provided him.

Once he located his objective, he began assessing the security of the location, noticing several drones along with several gunmen roaming around the facility. 

Y/n: "Jeez, I know this place is highly guarded but- does that drone have a bazooka?!"

D.A.R.C: "According to the news reports, Alchemax seemed to have suffered from a break-in 2 nights ago. I believe that's the reason why they are on high alert"

Y/n: "Great, now how am I supposed to sneak into the facility now?"

D.A.R.C: "Would you like Peter to deliver your Spidey suit?"

Y/n: "No...I think the last Alchemax needs is a superhero snooping around..."

Y/n began scanning around once more, searching for an entry point, scanning a few gates all guarded by what seemed to be hardened light, his eyes finally landed on a small facility with the sign Lab coat Dry cleaners

Y/n: "It can't be that easy, can it?"

(A few minutes later)

Y/n: "It was that easy"

Y/n managed to sneak his way through security and snagged himself a lab coat and a fake I.D before posing as an Alchemax scientist.

D.A.R.C: "I have managed to conceal your identity from the security systems"

Y/n: "And the security badge?"

D.A.R.C: "Unfortunately the best I could do is force our way to get the highest security badge possible..."

Y/n: "I feel a but coming"

D.A.R.C: "But it would seem that their firewall security is strong, I could brute force my way through but that would alert Alchemax to my presence"

Y/n: "You were able to be one with the internet to access the nation's nuke codes, yet you can't crack a company firewall?"

D.A.R.C: "if you really want to know, after my recent terrorist act every one on the internet had upgraded their cyber-security to the highest level, courtesy of Tony Stark"

Y/n: *tsk* "You're right, Damn it, Tony. So what now?"

D.A.R.C: "There's a ventilation shaft leading from the facility cafeteria to the server room. If you could get there maybe you could reach the server room"

Y/n: "Sweet"

Slipping past a few guards, Y/n made his way to the building that held the server room and arrived at the cafeteria, where he saw countless Alchemax scientists all around the room. 

Y/n: "Holy-even the school's cafeteria isn't this big"

Y/n moved to the side and reached the pantry where he began to choose one of the several varieties of bagels from a basket. 

D.A.R.C: "What are you doing?"

Y/n: "I'm acting natural...Now, which bagel should I pick?"

After selecting his desired bagel, Y/n began to take slow bites, casually walking past a few scientists, and giving out greetings occasionally. A collective beep then rang out from the scientist, and in unison, all the scientists stood up from their tables before filling out of the cafeteria. 

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