(Wilson Fisk arc) Finale

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After their altercation in the abandoned factory, Wilson Fisk is seen hanging upside down as he's face to face with Y/n with an accomplished and smug expression on his face.

Fisk: "Grr! When I get out of these restraints you'd wish you just laid on the ground and accepted your demise by my hands"

Y/n: "Yeah, no. I think I'll take my chances somewhere else"

Fisk then began moving around, trying to break free from Y/n's webbing.

Y/n: "Woah there, wouldn't want your phone to fall out of your suit"

Y/n pointed towards the gap in Y/n's webbing as a top of a smartphone began peeking out from Fisk's suit pocket. The phone then began vibrating, this was enough for the phone to fall off but Y/n quickly caught it with his web and pulled it towards him, and saw that someone is calling his phone. 

Y/n: "Huh...Who's Vanessa?"

Fisk: "Don't you dare answer that phone call!"

Y/n: *shrug* "Well I don't usually get to answer people's phones but *answers phone call* Yo, what up bitch!"

Fisk: "You little brat, I'll kill you!"

Woman's voice: "Hello? Wilson, is that you?"

Fisk's eyes widened in surprise, one that Y/n quickly took notice of. 

Y/n: "Ahhh...This must be the woman of your life"

Vanessa's voice: "Who is this?"

Y/n: *drops down* "Oh...just some guy that took down Wilson Fisk"

Vanessa's voice: "The man in the mask"

Y/n: "Ehh...somewhat, you might remember me from being marked as a criminal by your lover"

Vanessa's voice: "Spider-man"

Y/n: "You remembered? Here I thought you didn't give a damn what Fisk does"

Vanessa's voice: "Please you have to listen to me, Wilson is an honest man, He didn't do anything wrong!"

Y/n: "Yeah, I also heard Stockholm Syndrome is also in season today"

Vanessa's voice: "You just don't understand the lengths he's willing to go to make this city a better place"

Y/n: "A better place? People are DEAD because of HIM! Families torn apart, Homes are demolished and you're saying it's for the BETTER GOOD!"

Vanessa's voice: "..."

Y/n: "Do you even understand the shit that's coming out of your mouth! or are you just a Yes woman that just agrees to what the person with the gun to your head says!"


Y/n: "Be quiet! You're on time out!"

Vanessa's voice: "Then what exactly do you do? Swing around New York webbing up criminals and putting them to jail. What makes you think what you do is better than what Wilson is trying to accomplish"

Y/n: "I make sure that people could see their families again, to make sure that they could be at peace knowing that they can see tomorrow because I would be there to protect them"

Vanessa's voice: "And what if you won't be there for those people you protect"

Y/n: "Unlikely, as long as I'm still alive I won't stop. When I get knocked down I WILL get back up, nothing will stop me from protecting this city"

Vanessa's voice: "You sound so sure, you know there's a thin line between confidence and ignorance"

Y/n: "Then I'll leave it up to a coin toss...You know, if you actually care about someone you don't just stand by their side and watch as the world burns to the ground. You help each other in the error of your ways and prosper together if you truly care about Fisk as a person...You would've done something before it ended up this way"

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