(The Mary Janes arc) Part 6

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Gwen lets out a battle cry as she punches Carnage across the face, sending her flying through the drywall of the construction site. As Carnage spits out the blood in her mouth, Gwen walks through the hole Carnage has created as she pants for breath. 

The two had been fighting across Manhattan after Y/n was carried out of the scene, they battled across buildings and rooftops before they eventually landed in Fisk's abandoned construction sites where they battled till the sun is starting to set. 

Carnage: "I have to admit...that hurts"

Gwen: "Why do you keep doing this? I'm trying to help you"

Carnage: "Help me?"

Carnage slowly rose to her feet, using her ax as a crutch, before staring past Gwen's lenses with eyes filled with sadistic hate. 

Carnage: "YOU DID THIS TO ME!!! All your so-called 'help' is a burden on everyone, even to your boyfriend"

Gwen: "That's not true! Please, just let me help"

Carnage: "Haven't you done enough? You've eaten away every single trust we had. First, it was me...sooner or later your little boy toy would be next"

Gwen: "Don't you dare talk about Y/n!"

Carnage then lets out a sadistic chuckle before bursting into laughter, sending a chill down Gwen's spine.

Gwen: "What the hell's so funny?!"

Carnage: "YOU! Oh, how ignorant you must be"

Gwen: (No...Y/n...He-)

Carnage then removed her hand from her face to show her sadistic smile.

Carnage: "Little spider did all he could on his own, did you know that? Fighting with nothing but his wits just to buy you time to arrive. Now look at him, slowly bleeding out from the gash that you couldn't prevent in time"

Gwen's heart then started beating furiously, as if the heart is pounding against her chest to try and escape, quickly succumbing to her fear. Her feet quivered as her hands started shaking.

Gwen: (All of this...is because of me? No, then Y/n he's-)

Carnage as she smelt the fear radiating from Gwen, feeling proud to see her adversary look so defeated. 

Carnage: "So, Gwen...Still feeling like the hero you think you are?"

Images of the badly injured Y/n flooded her head his blood slowly flowing across the streets before changing to the same moment she pushed her Y/n towards an oncoming semi-truck.

Gwen: (It's gonna happen again...his death...it's all because of me...Y/n)

Before she could wallow in her darkness, a fragment of light manages to cut through the dark before a hand formed from the fragment and placed itself on Gwen's shoulder. Feeling the hand on her shoulder, Gwen looks up to see a figure of Y/n smiling at her. 

'Y/n': "Hey now, Why the long face?"

Gwen: "Y/n, I...I don't know what to do"

'Y/n': "I think you do, and that's to fight!"

Gwen: "But what if I can't? All of this, what happened to you...it's all because of me. It's because of me you're-"

'Y/n': "You doubting me now?"

Gwen: "What...?"

'Y/n': "Come on, I've bounced back from worse. Believe in me once in a while, more importantly, believe in yourself more"

'Y/n' then floats down in front of Gwen before helping her up to her feet as all her doubt was expelled and her spirits lifted.

Gwen: "Thanks, Y/n. I don't know what I'd do without you"

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