(Avengers arc) Part 2

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At a Police precinct in Queens, A man with blonde hair in a police captain uniform is seen exiting his office, exhausted from his time cooped up in the precinct, This is Captain George Stacy. He fixed himself up and went down to the main lobby about to clock out and take his leave, only for a man at the front desk of the Precinct lobby to stop the captain in his tracks. 

Man: "Oh, Captain Stacy!"

George: "What is it?"

Man: "A Career day application form came in and asked for you specifically"

George: "Is it from the same kid?"

Man: "I believe so, Yes"

George: *sigh* "Unbelievable, just throw it out"

Man: "Umm...May I ask something personal, sir?"

George: "What is it?"

Man: "This kid seems adamant to want to Job shadow you, sir. Is it truly fair to deny him an opportunity that might be beneficial to him?"

George: "That kid is just a troublemaker, it'll be a waste of my time"

Man: "But-"

George: "Kid, if one more word leaves your mouth. I'll see to it that the next mountain of paperwork we'll be on your desk and have it finish within the day"

Man: *gulp* "U-understood, sir" 

George: "I'm denying the request for a Job shadow and that's final"

He then clocked himself out before making his way to his car. Opening up the car door before going to the driver seat and slammed the door closed once he entered.

George: *mutter* "He doesn't deserve any of my help after what he did"

He then drove out of the parking lot and drove his way back home. 

When he had arrived home, he parked his car in his garage before locking the car and entering his home through the front door.

George: "I'm Home!"

Gwen: "Welcome home, Dad!"

George shuts the door behind him and takes off his uniform jacket and hanged it by the door.

Gwen: "Dinner's almost ready, just a few more minutes"

George: "I'll prepare the table then"

George then reached the kitchen and see Gwen preparing the meal with Miles hugging her from the back, when he notices George enter the room, Miles eases off and greeted him before helping George with preparing the table.

Once everything was prepared and the meal was on the table, they then made a quick prayer to bless the meals before beginning to eat. As they dined in peach, George decided to have a conversation with the two teenagers that are with him.

George: "So Gwen, have you submitted your application for career day?"

Gwen: "Yes Dad, they said they'll notify me when the reporter would be assigned a story. They said to expect a call in the next few days"

George: "That's good, what about you Miles? I heard you're gonna Job Shadow your old man for career day"

Miles: "Yes sir, just strolling around Brooklyn with my old man"

George: "Please, we're all family here. You can call me George, 'Sir' makes me feel old"

Miles: "Yes Si-I mean, George"

George: "Good, that's progress. While we're still on the topic of school, anything newsworthy happening that I should be worried about?"

Gwen: "Well, there is something that I've been meaning to ask you, Dad"

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