(Part Man, Part Spider, All Cop arc) Part 1

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It's been a few weeks since The Battle on New York, things began to slowly come back to normal as Manhattan starts to be rebuilt.

In this early morning, Gwen is seen waking up from her bed with a slight bedhead. She yawns awake before pulling the blanket off of her and grabbing her towel before heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

Once she rinsed off, she wrapped the towel around her body before going back to her room and began picking out what to wear, deciding on a denim jacket and white sweater along with a red skirt and knee-high socks accompanied with a black headband.

Once she has done her make-up and was ready for the day, she made her way down to the kitchen to see her father, George Stacy cooking eggs and bacon along with a few toast. 

George: "Goodmorning, Gwen"

Gwen: "Morning, Dad"

George then sets the eggs and bacon on a plate before placing it down on the table as Gwen had just grabbed the plate of toast before the two began eating with George a mug of coffee at hand.

George: "So, are you all prepped for today?"

Gwen: "Yep, The Bugle called a few days ago. Told me to wake up early to meet the reporter here at Queens"

George: "Looks things are starting up well for the start of your Career Day. Speaking off...I feel like I'm forgetting something"

George's train of thought was interrupted by a knock on their front door, Gwen went to stand up and get the door but George let his arm out, stopping her.

George: "I'll get it, you finish up and get going. Wouldn't want to be late"

George stood up, mug in hand, and went to the front door with a bright mood to start his day. He then went ahead and grabbed the doorknob before opening the door to greet the visitor with a big smile.

Y/n: "Hi!"


Y/n: *muffled* "Alright..."

Once George saw Y/n at his porch, he immediately slammed the door shut on Y/n's face as he took a deep sigh. His mood turned sour in just a mere instant.

Gwen: "Dad? Was that Y/n?"

George: "No, sweetie. It's just charity workers"

Gwen: "Dad..."

George: *groan*

George reluctantly opened the door once again and see Y/n still standing by the front door, now with an awkward smile as he gave George a small wave. 

George: "Get in..."

George lets the door open for Y/n to enter before walking back to the kitchen after taking a long swig of coffee from his mug. Y/n followed soon after, walking in the house before shutting the door and following George inside.

Y/n: "So, when can we get this show on the road?"

George: "It's 7:00 am, My shift doesn't start till 9"

Y/n: "Right, I knew that...I guess I'll just hang out in the living room"

George: "No"

Y/n: "I'll come with you to the kitchen"

George: "No"

Y/n: "I will stand right here, on this spot, and wait for you" 

George: "Tolerable" 

George then stepped inside the kitchen as Gwen cleaned the table and placed the dishes on the sink. George went to the coffee machine and poured himself another cup of coffee, after cleaning the dishes, Gwen went over to her dad and kisses him on the cheek before making her way out and bumping into Y/n in the process.

Y/n: "Hey...Good luck with your reporter shadow"

Gwen: "Thanks, Go easy on my dad okay? He seems pretty on edge today"

Y/n: "Don't worry, he's in safe hands"

Gwen then smiled before walking out the door and the bus stop to meet up with the reporter. Now with just Y/n and George inside the house, Y/n decided to go to the kitchen to check up on his Job shadow partner. He peeked inside to see George looking out the kitchen and see Gwen get on the city bus and watch it drive away.

Y/n: "So, uh...anything you like me to do before we start the day?"

George: *sigh* "Go outside and wait for me there, I'll go get dressed"

Y/n complies and made his way out the front door and stand around the porch and wait for Captain Stacy. Minutes turned to a few hours as Y/n took a seat on the steps as he has his back on the railings and feet propped up in front of him.

George finally stepped outside and was surprised and a bit sour at Y/n's presence on his porch.

George: "You're still here..."

Y/n: "Yep! Shall we get this started?"

George: "Might as well...Come on, let's get this over with"

Y/n jumped to his feet as he waits for George to walk past him before walking after him to his car. George reached to his pockets to fish out his keys, once he had it in his hands, Y/n run over to the other side as George unlocks the car as the duo went ahead and hopped inside. 

The car then left the garage and into the streets of Queens. The two sat in silence, George have his eyes focused on the road as Y/n looks out the window absent-mindedly. When they finally left the neighborhood and reached downtown, Y/n finally had enough of the silence and went ahead to turn on the radio to find the station already playing his favorite song.

Y/n: "Oh yeah! This is my Jam!"

Y/n then started bobbing his head to the beat, annoying George along with the volume of Y/n's music. When George stopped on a red light and the chorus to the song about to drop, he immediately turns off the radio, forcing Y/n to stop mid-way into singing the chorus.

Y/n: "Hey-wha? Come on, it was getting good!"

George: "Listen here, okay. I only accepted your application because Gwen talked me into it, so if you want this to continue on you'll have to follow my rules, got it?"

Y/n: *nod* "Uh-huh"

George: "Rule #1, don't piss me off. You get on my nerves, I'll stop this whole job shadowing, got it?"

Y/n: "'Rule #1, Don't piss you off' Yep, got it"

George: "Rule #2, Follow my orders. My word is law, and if you break it. I'll get pissed off, and dropping this all together"

Y/n: "'Rule #2, Follow your orders' Alright, anything else?"

George: "Rule #3, Disobey at least one of these rule and I'll kick you out. Everything you do, I should know before hand, got it?"

Y/n: "Yep, all set" 

George: "Good, now sit quietly and let me do my patrol"

Y/n: "Yes, George"

George: "And don't call me George. We're not buddy-buddy, You call me 'Sir'"

Y/n: *sigh* "Yes, Sir *thought*  This day couldn't have gone any better"


Excited by the title of the arc? I sure am. I am wondering though if any of you guys caught even a slight idea of who the little girl was, but if you did then don't mind me.

Anyways, this is a new arc that I'll upload from time to time. The chapters are set and just finding the time to upload it I guess.

The updates will come in every other day, depending on the timezones so hopefully you guys will stick around till then.

But with that said, You already know the drill

Vote if you wanna

Share to your friends if you have any

And I'll see you when I see you

Bye Bye

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