(Identity crisis arc) Finale

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Pierce: "I'm glad you're here, Nick"

Nick: "Really? Because I thought you had me killed"

Pierce: "You know how the game works"

Nick then walked up to Pierce and got up to his face while Chris moves to the side with his hand resting on his concealed handgun. 

Nick: "So why make me the head of S.H.I.E.L.D?"

Pierce: "Because you're the best, the most ruthless person I've ever met"

Nick: "I did what I did to protect people"

Pierce: "Our enemies are your enemies, Nick. Disorder. War. Just a matter of time before a dirty bomb goes off on Moskow or an EMP fries Chicago. Diplomacy? Holding action, Nick. A band-aid, you know where I learned that? Bogota, you didn't ask you just did what had to be done"

Pierce then inched closer to Nick as he stands in front of him defiantly.

Pierce: "I can bring order to the lives of 7 BILLION people, by sacrificing 20 million. It's the next step, Nick. If you have the courage to take it"

Nick: "No, I have the courage not to"

Nick then grabs Pierce by the arm and led him towards the large screen in his office as Natasha readies up the RetInal scanner.


Pierce: *scoff* "Don't you think we've wiped your clearance from the system?"

Nick: "I know, you erased my password, probably deleted my retinal scan. But if you want to stay ahead of me, Mr secretary..."

Nick then got up close to Pierce's face and moved his eye-patch to the side and see his scarred eye.

Nick: "You need to keep BOTH eyes open"

Nick then went ahead and faced the Retinal scanners with Pierce following suit while having a gun pointed to his head.


Over at the main control room, Maria Hill continues to give reports on the situation.

Maria: "Charlie carrier's 45 degrees off the Port Bau..."

Maria then looks over at the CCTV and sees two HYDRA gunmen about to breach into the control room, she looks over her shoulder to Krista who quickly understood as she sets up right above the door. 

When the gunmen burst through the door, Krista pushes herself off the wall using her Negative Energy, sending her rocketing forward before shooting a web to the doorframe and kicking the two gunmen out of the room and crushing them to a concrete wall as Maria continued her report

Maria: "6 minutes"

Back to Y/n, we see him still laying behind cover after hearing the time he has left to work with. When he tries to stand up, he groans in pain in his left leg preventing him from getting up and when he looked over his leg, he saw a large hole where the bullet pierced through and is leaking blood at an alarming rate.

Y/n: "That's not good"

Y/n quickly applied the best first aid he could give himself by webbing up his shot leg on both openings. Once the wound was covered, Y/n pushes himself to his feet only to fall to his knees right as a couple of bullets flew past Y/n's head from the pistol of the Winter Soldier.

Steve: *comms* "Hey, Sam! Gonna need a ride!"

Sam then took a U-turn and is now making his way towards Insight Carrier 1 where Steve is at.

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