(Identity crisis arc) Part 1

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A Quinjet is seen soaring through the clouds just above the Indian Ocean, inside we see S.H.I.E.L.D's STRIKE team standing in front of a holographic screen built onboard the aircraft. Strike team field commander, Brock Rumlow is giving the briefing for their mission with Captain America who is also present along with Natasha Romanoff and a masked agent in a skin-tight black suit standing next to her.

Brock: "The target is a mobile satellite launch platform, The Lemurian Star. They're setting up their last payload until pirates took them 93 minutes ago"

Steve: "Any demands?"

Brock: "A million and a half"

Steve: "Why so steep?"

Brock: "Because it's S.H.I.E.L.D's"

Steve: *To Natasha* "So it's not off course, it's a trespass"

Natasha: "I'm sure they have a good reason"

Steve: "Well, I'm getting sick and tired of being Fury's Janitor"

Natasha: "Relax, it's not that complicated"

Natasha looks back at Steve before the two look back to the holographic screen, as the masked agent beside her looks to be struggling with his suit.

Steve: "How many pirates?"

Brock: "25, Top mercs, led by this guy. Georges Batroc"

Brock then moved some images around the screen before pulling up a mug shot of a man with a buzz cut.

Brock: "Ex-DGSE, Action Division. He's at the top of Interpol's red notice. Before they demobilize him, he had thirty-six kill missions. This guy's got a rep for maximum casualties"

Steve: "Hostages?"

Brock: "Mostly techs, and one officer..."

He then pulls up dozens of images of the technicians aboard the ship before zooming in on a Hungarian American man with glasses.

Brock: "Jasper Sitwell, the man in the galley"

Steve: "What is Sitwell doing in a launch ship? *aloud* Alright, I'm gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc, Nat you cut the engines and wait for instructions, Rumlow you sweep the Mast and find the hostages, get them to the life pods, get them out, all the while agent Spider takes control of the high ground and be our eyes in the sky. Let's move!"

Brock: "STRIKE team you heard the Cap. Gear up!"

The Quinjet then began lowering altitude as the Steve and Nat along with the STRIKE Team agents began setting up their equipment and checking their commlinks.

Steve: *comm* "Secure channel 7?"

Natasha: "7, secure. You doing anything fun Saturday night?"

Steve: "Well...all the members of my Barbershop Quartet are dead, so No, not really"

Natasha: "What about you Spidey?"

Spider: "I have a question..."


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