(Black cat arc) Part 7

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After finishing the project and Y/n departing on his venture, Felicia looked back into the painting that she and Y/n created and admired the detail he had put into it. The contrast in colors along with the slight hopefulness she feels along with a hint of dread.

Felicia: (How does he do it?)

Shrugging off her feelings, Felicia went to her jacket pocket and pull out her grappling hook before zipping off back to the penthouse. 

When she lands back at her home, he flicked on the tv and see the news of the bank robbery in the financial district having a shoot-out. 

Felicia: "Ryan, I'm back!"

Felicia went to her room and grabbed her luggage before dragging it to the living room.

Felicia: "Ryan? Are you home?"

Felicia then went across the living room to Ryan's room, walking past the tv as Y/n sent out a concussive blast that knocked away the Goons. 

Felicia: *knocks* "Ryan? Ryan! Come on, you said we'd leave as soon as I got back"

Felicia knocked once more before going for the doorknob, she didn't think anything of it and expect it to be locked only to be surprised when she found the doorknob twisted open, giving Felicia access to Ryan's room.

Felicia: "Ryan? This isn't funny. Come out, now!"

Felicia scanned the room for any sign of Ryan, only for it to be spotless. She then searched around for clues but nothing came up, no letters or even a text from her phone. Just when Felicia went to give up on her search, a notification immediately rang out in the silent room.

Felicia then heard the phone vibrating just beneath her, she quickly checked under the bed and saw Ryan's phone on the ground. Felicia reached over and grabbed the phone and saw the phone sent a notification that signaled the phone is low in battery charge. 

Having very little time, Felicia went scouring through Ryan's phone as she figures out his whereabouts. Felicia felt her heart sink when she went to Ryan's messages, she read the most recent message that came from a number she knew all too well but that wasn't the reason for her worry.

Felicia read the message from the number, as her worry and dread quickly turn to anxiety and fear for her best friend.

'Boss wants to have a sit down with you. Come alone'

Seeing the timestamp to find out the message was sent last night, Felicia quickly shot up to her feet before running back to the living room. Running past the TV as Y/n gave out congratulations to the police officers as clothes began flying across the room from off-frame before hearing a zipper being zipped up followed by a shot of a grappling hook just as Y/n zips away.

Felicia sprinted across dozens of rooftops while grappling off a few until she'd reached Hammerhead's base of operations.

Felicia: "This is the only place where he could've gone. That bastard..."

Felicia began surveying around the base and see very few guards patrolling around the base.

Goon: "Hey, you think the others have the money by now?"

Goon #2: "It's time's up at the bank, they should be heading back by now unless they want to piss off the boss"

Felicia: "Ohh, he's gonna be the least of your worries when I'm done with you"

Goons: "What the-!?"

Felicia drops behind the two goons, surprising them. Before they could call out to their intruder, Felicia dashed towards the goon on the left, kicking herself off the Goon while also kicking him in the groin.

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