(Identity crisis arc) Part 12

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After slipping away from the convoy, Chris and Maria Hill led Steve and the others into an abandoned Dam. Maria opened the gate for Natasha before making their way inside where a doctor is currently running towards them. 

Maria: "GSW. She's lost at least a pint"

Chris: "Maybe 2"

Doctor: "Let me take her" 

Maria: "She'll want to see him first"

Maria then led Steve and the others further into the dam as she goes through plastic curtains. Steve parted the curtains for Natasha before entering himself along with Sam, when they were inside the room and were surprised to see a sanitary hospital bed with a heart monitor along with a supposed dead patient, Nick Fury waking up from his nap. 

Nick: "About damn time"

Natasha was then escorted to a nearby stool to treat her wound which the doctor was now applying pressure to, as Steve Sam, Maria and Chris hang around the room and listen to Nick.

Nick: "Lacerated Spinal Column, a cracked sternum, shattered collar bone, perforated liver, one hell of a headache"

Doctor: "Don't forget your collapsed lung"

Nick: "Oh, let's not forget that. Otherwise, I'm good"

Natasha: "They cut you open, your heart stopped"

Nick: "Deter-detoxing B, slows the pulse to 1-beat per minute. Banner developed it for stress, didn't work out so well for him but we found a use for it"

Steve: "Why all the secrecy? Why not just tell us?"

Maria: "Any attempt on the director's life had to look successful"

Nick: "Can't kill ya if you're already dead. Besides, I wasn't sure who to trust, except for one"

Krista's voice: *distant* "Argh! Still hurts to move"

Y/n's voice: *distant* "Yeah you look like that was a nasty beating. Hey, is the doctor still in the house?!"

Doctor: "In here!"

Two pairs of footsteps were heard before Y/n and Krista walked through the plastic curtains in their Spidey suits.

Nick: "You're late"

Y/n: "Sorry about that, Nicky. Just had a run-in with a giant Rhino, You should've seen it *to Doctor* Hey, could you check her out after? She'd taken quite a beating"

Doctor: *still treating Natasha* "She's good"

Krista: *groan* "My bruised ribs beg to differ"

Steve: "Spider-man, you knew? And you didn't bother to tell us"

Y/n: *shrug* "It's not my secret to tell, plus there was a firefight on the highway I didn't find the time to tell you"

Krista: "But glazing over all of that. If I remember right there's a world in need of saving?"

Everyone looked at each other before transitioning to another room with two cases as Nick gave the briefing with a comfort blanket around his shoulders while holding a picture of a young Alexander Pierce. 

Nick: "This man declined a noble peace prize. He said 'Peace wasn't an achievement, it was a responsibility"

Krista: "Wise man..."

Nick: "You see, it's stuff like THIS is what gives me trust issues" 

Natasha: "We have to stop the launch"

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