Snape Vs. Fudge

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"Why do we have to have a staff meeting? It's the end of term for Salazar's sake!" Severus groaned.

"I wish I knew," Pomona said, sounding disappointed. "I arranged to meet a friend in the Leaky Cauldron this afternoon. I'll have to reschedule."

"Albus will have his reasons, I'm sure," Filius said, trying to sound dignified. "But I did want some Firewhisky."

"You and me both," Pomona grouched. "Has Minerva said anything?"

"She was as much in the dark as we were," Severus reported. "She's gone to haul Albus over the coals in advance."

"At least someone is on our side," Pomona said. "Acid Pops."

The gargoyles guarding Dumbledore's office sprung to attention and moved out of the way as the three ascended the stairs.

"Albus, what is all this for?" Pomona asked as they opened the door. "I was going to pay a visit to..."

Pomona trailed off as she saw what awaited them.

Cornelius Fudge, everybody's least favourite Minister for Magic, stood next to Albus behind the headmaster's desk. 

Albus did not look thrilled in the slightest. 

Minerva hovered in the corner, arms folded in disapproval.

"Sorry to delay your meeting, Pomona, I just needed to drop by and apprise you of the situation."

"What situation?" Severus growled.

"Well, er," Cornelius faltered, "I was informed by Dumbledore that he was planning on re-hiring Remus Lupin as the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor for next year."

"That is a surprise," Pomona replied, "but a welcome one. Remus Lupin is always welcome here."

"A sentiment we all share," Severus added with a hint of danger in his voice.

"Well um the thing is we thought the subject hardly needs to be called Defence Against the Dark Arts anymore - there are no more dark arts."

"I could be tempted to perform some dark arts right here," Severus muttered under his breath.

Pomona and Filius stifled their laughter.

"Secondly, we hardly feel that Remus Lupin is the right candidate for such a role, being a um dark creature himself."

"First of all," Severus began, drawing himself to his full impressive height, "Remus Lupin is no more a dark creature than I am. If you were to be bitten by a werewolf yourself, Fudge, I hope you would not want us to consign you to the slums and drag your name through the mud on account of your new unfortunate status. Lycanthropy is an illness as a result of something which cannot ever be the victim's fault."

Fudge began trembling.

"Two, there will always be dark arts in this world. Voldemort was not the first practitioner, and nor will he be the last."

Minerva kindly offered Fudge a chair when his legs refused to hold him. He took it gladly.

"Finally, I would like to know who 'we' is."

His voice was scarcely more than a whisper, but it terrified everybody in the room.

Fudge coughed.


Severus moved in a flash and the others thought for a moment that he might have slapped the Minister. Instead, he stood right in front of the seated man, looming over him.

"That woman gave truth serum to unwilling students, minors no less, and threatened to use the Cruciatus Curse on Harry Potter, the boy who lived, and unfortunately briefly died. She also sent Aurors to send Minerva McGonagall to St. Mungo's with four Stunning spells to the heart."

"I could tell you of many more of that thing's transgressions, but I would not like to bore you as you have bored us. Dolores Umbridge is barely human and she deserves nothing. She deserves to be the scum on one's boots as werewolves are. She deserves less than nothing, and she does not run this school, nor do you. Albus Dumbledore shall decide what goes on here. Good day."

And, with such an unusually long speech for one such as Severus Snape, he turned on his heel and left the room, his cloak whipping behind him.

"Well I don't know about the rest of you," said Minerva, "but I know who I agree with."

She looked at Fudge.

"Give the man his Order of Merlin, and make it first class for having to put up with the likes of you. Have a pleasant summer."

And she, too, left.

One by one the teachers left, until it was only Dumbledore remaining.

"How-why-what," Fudge spluttered.

"You insulted a respected member of our community, and ally yourself with a horrible, inconsiderate person," Albus explained. "You have made yourself an enemy. Good day, Cornelius. I will see you at the Ministry... if you stay in office for much longer."

And he pushed Fudge out of the door.


A.N. Pt. 5 of the madness. Snape scares Fudge and the teachers walk out in outrage. 

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