B- Be Mine

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Word Count: 1958
Summary: Douxie and Krel have been best friends for a long time but both have felt their feelings evolve into more then that, they're just scared at how the other will react so Krel decides to take the first step.

Krel had been planning this night for the past three weeks now. He was currently int the woods just outside Arcadia carrying an arms full of LED solar lights. Krel had planned on finally telling Douxie about his feelings for him, the only issue being he didn't know how. Doing the only logical thing *wink* *wink* Krel called his sister for advice. Aja said that he should plan a romantic night in the woods and tell him, so that's what he was doing.

Krel had become rather lonely after his sister and Vervatos left earth, the only person who helped him feel better was Douxie. If Krel had ever said he wasn't doing well or acted a little off Douxie would show up at his door and do anything it took to make him feel better.

Once when Krel was feeling exceptionally down Douxie came over, sat on the couch, he played Krel a few of his favourite songs, this made Krel feel better sure but that wasn't enough for Douxie, he wanted to see Krel smile.

So, he used his beautiful runes to create a breath taking blue rose for Krel, he passes it to him and gave him a hug. Krel was shocked and was glad Douxie couldn't see his face because he was as blue as the rose.

Krel reached the tree where he had been setting up the fairy lights through out the day. Krel had already set up the lights for three quarters of the way up the tree. The only issue now was that he had to climb up to the top of this magnificent oak tree, this tree had initials carved into the surface of the bark.

Krel transformed into his Akiridion form so he could hold the lights with his bottom pair of hands and could use the top to help him climb up the tree.

Krel never liked trees or nature in general but he knew Douxie loved it. Krel thought that Douxie loves nature because it reminds him of when he used to live in Camelot nearly 1000 years ago. Douxie has told him many stories about how he used to help Merlin and his old atrocious man bun. 

Krel gripped the top branches of the tree hoisted himself to the top. He sat comfortably in the oak and began spreading the lights through the leaves, having finished placing the lights, Krel looked up and in the distance he could see the slight tint to the blue sky as the sun began to set.

The breeze flowed through his hair and Krel took a deep breath in, filling his lungs with the pure fresh air. Krel could see the skyline of Arcadia in the distance not too far away and could only imagine the lights of the city when he brought Douxie back later that night.

Now that everything was set up all Krel had to do was wait until Douxie finished his closing shift at the cafe and bring him back here.

Krel climbed down the tree slipping a few times during the decent, and began the journey back to Arcadia Oaks. By the time Krel had reached the cafe, now in his human form to blend in, the sun had almost set and Douxie was the only person inside the shop closing up.

A closed sign hung in the window but Krel thought it would be nice to help Douxie lock up. As Krel opened the door he heard the chime of the bells above the door go off, alerting Douxie that someone had entered, with a broom in his hands he began to turn around and spoke.

"I'm sorry we're clo-" Douxie cut himself off when he turned to see Krel standing just inside the door. "Krel! Your here already?" He asked confused, but nonetheless came over to great him with a hug.

"Yeah I thought I would come and help you clean up," Krel said while accepting the embrace of the boy he had grown to 'like like' as the humans say. Krel was never one for physical touch but for Douxie he didn't mind.

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