C- Cafe Crush

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Words: 763
Summary: Douxie works most days at the cafe and most of the time seems to spot one boy in particular. One day the boy and his sister approach Douxie while he's on his lunch break to ask him a question.

Working at a cafe isn't as bad as you might think, the only real issue is how little the people of Arcadia tip these days but considering I have had nearly a millennium to acquire wealth I don't really mind.

There have been a few interesting characters walk through the doors though, nothing I didn't expect while living in Arcadia but I didn't expect then to walk into this old cafe. There have been a few changelings but despite the stereotypes they're actually quite nice, a troll or two oh! And the TrollHunter.

Today has been a slow day but the school rush is about to come through, this consisted of mostly students from the Arcadia Oaks High School. As the school kids flooded through the doors and ordered their coffees and teas, I started to hum a song that has been stuck in my head all day.

It was one of those songs that you wake up with  it playing in your head and you don't know where it came from. I went behind the till to serve the next customer but when I looked up I saw a boy I hadn't seen before. His dark hair fell around his face and highlighted his bright brown eyes. He is quite beautiful actually.

"Could I just get a coffee please?" He asked with a think accent.

"Of course. What size was that?" He seemed confused be the question but then pointed at the medium sized cup. I chuckled a little at the simplicity of the action. I grabbed a medium take away cup and a sharpie. "Can I get a name for that?" I asked so I could write it on the cup.

The boy had a puzzled expression on his face, "well I'm sure you could find one around here somewhere" he replied. Ok this guy is pretty funny, at this joke I couldn't contain my quick burst of laughter.

"Okay, let me rephrase it. What is your name?" I asked instead, trying not to laugh even more.

"Ohhhhhhh, my name is Krel" he said now understanding the question. I scribbled down his name and gave him his number. While I was making the coffee I could help but think about his odd behaviour, but then again this is Arcadia. It is still a little strange how I didn't notice a handsome stranger until now.

Maybe he just moved to town or something. I wouldn't mind getting to know him... ahhhh I can write my number on his cup! I know it's cringe but I'm kind of desperate here. I wrote down my name and number and called out his name. When he came to retrieve his drink I couldn't help but ask him.

"Your not from around here are you?" He took his drink with a grin on his face, he looked at me woth his astounding brown eyes as he answered.

"You could say that. I'm from Akir- uh I mean Cantaloupia" he said cutting himself off mid sentence.

"Well I hope to see you around" I said happily.

"I'm sure you will" he replied and stepped backwards to join another girl I've never seen and... Steve?


"Sister look" I said while examining the side of my coffee cup. I saw a series of numbers written across the side and showed my sister, she immediately began to laugh.

Once she calmed down she spoke and said, "he- he seems to fav-favour you over other hu-humans" he said between bursts of laughter. Favour me? Him? The charming boy who served drinks? There's no way, he was so... so beautiful, how on earth or any other planet for that matter could he like me?

But what if he does, he did write his numbers for mobile connection on my cup, what if this charming human did actually have affection towards me. I could feel my cheeks heating up while I thought about what could happen with this human boy, a smile crept its way onto my face. I guess I will just have to wait and see.

Hello lovelies! I hoped you enjoyed this quick little... thing. I'm currently writing this at 1am so I apologise if it's not my best work, that includes punctuation and spelling too haha. I hope to see you in the next one :)

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