N- No?

544 17 4

Words: 1965
Summary: Marriage... what a daft thing. But then again, isn't it something people do?
This is set after RoTT, if they all lived the second time round.

"You're kidding." Douxie was standing rigid, looking into the mirror infront of him, he saw a man looking back. This man was wearing a silver suit with a bowtie. He grimaced and turned back to Krel who stood beside him gleaming.

"W-what...?" Krel said between fits of laughter. "You don't- don't like it?" The silence that followed gave Krel his answer. Stairing up at Douxie he burst out laughing.

The pair were looking for suits to wear to Jim and Claire's wedding. Douxie of course has a suit, if he remembers correctly it was from 1927, Arch had insisted they try ball room dancing properly. Krel of course took one look at the suit and immediately shot it down stating that he 'wouldn't be caught dead' going to a funeral with someone who looked like that.
Douxie honestly didn't see the issue, he just said it 'looked vintage'.

Once Krel had found his bearings again in the small white changing room of the tailor, he looked into the mirror again.

"Honestly I can't believe you even put it on" Krel wheezed out as he began to laugh once more.

"You made me put this... thing on just for a laugh!?" Douxie stood dumbfounded, but also slightly amused. As the beige lights reflected off of his - honestly ridiculous - suit he lightly shoved his boyfriend, with no real malice.

Krel regained his balance, "maybe" he said cheekily, giving Douxie a wink. "You look good in... metals?" Krel said unsure. Douxie just rolled his eyes, nothing but fondness hidden behind them.

"Do you even have a suit?" Douxie asked Krel, has he begun unbuttoning his silver jacket.

Krel leaned back against the side of the cramped change room where the boys were trying on jackets. He looked at Douxie with an unamused expression.

"Well, let's just say that when you are the spokesperson for an intergalactic 'alien's planet'" (using finger quotes on the word alien) "you tend to have some kind of formal wear". Douxie just nodded, wishing he could be leaning casually against a change room while his boyfriend was changing.

"Well if it was a no for the silver..." he paused, the silver jacket shone as he hung it back on the hanger, pitting the poor boy who's mother thinks it's a great idea to wear it to a tacky formal.
"Then it's a yes to the classic black?"
He was hopeful, he always thought he looked great in black.

"Yes I guess it has to be" Krel was purposefully stairing at the ground as he spoke. Adverting his eyes from his half naked partner infront of him.

Krel has never really had a partner before, and now that he did, with a human no less, he didn't really know his boundaries.

Douxie found this adorable.

As Douxie slipped on his shirt and black hoodie he suppressed a little giggle as Krels eyes shot back up at him. Just before they left the change room Douxie dipped down to press a delicate kiss to Krels nose. Then he simply walked out.

Krels cheeks lit up, he felt like a hopeless teen girl in a child friendly rom-com but damned if he didn't relish this moment.

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