H- Hover Board

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Words: 1830
Summary: After Aja sneaks out to try and find Vatvatos, Krel follows her but runs into someone unexpected.
I'm attempting to do this from 3rd point of view, this is somewhat new to me so let's see how it goes :)

Krel could hear his older sister jumping out the window, he immediately knew that she was going to look for Varvatos. Krel still believes he's a traitor but there is something deep down tugging at his stomach, a feeling of sadness he was trying so hard to push away. Krel didn't want Aja to find Varvatos so he snuck into her dark room, stole her hover board, and snuck out after her.

Krel activated the hover board and hopped on, he steadied himself and begun down the street searching for Aja. Krel was going past the the record store when he got distracted looking at the new Papa Skull album being displayed in the front window. He was swiftly snapped out of his daze when he ran smack bang into someone else walking on the path ahead of him.

Krel was thrown from his board and landed flat on his face, he got many scratches from the concrete he landed on. He saw the now pocket size hover board and grabbed it quickly, Krel then stood up and went over to the other person lying on the ground. The other person was a boy, he sat up and put one hand to his head.

Krel quickly walked over and knelt down besides this boy. "I am so sorry, are you alright?" Krel spoke quickly and with concern in his voice.

"Uhhhhh" the boy patted himself down then looked up at Krel, "everything seems to be in order" he spoke calmly and didn't seem phased by the fact that a total stranger just ran him over with a glowing hover board.

"Thank Gaylen" Krel let out a breath he didn't realise he had been holding. The two boys stood and shook hands, Krel always believed this was a strange human custom.

"My names Douxie" the tall boy said while shaking Krel's hand, his blue hair fell across his forehead.

Krel let go of his hand and replied, "I'm Krel." The boy just smiled as a reply. Krel suddenly remembered what he was supposed to be looking for. "Oh! Have you seen two people driving around on a blue Vespa?" He asked hopefully.

"No sorry, why?" Douxie asked, the expression displayed he was curious but also slightly amused.

"One of them is my sister and I need to find her" Krel answered, he pulled out the hover board which spring to it's full size.

"Wow, well if you'd like I could help you look. I have no where better to be" Douxie replied taking a hopeful step forward, he didn't know why but he felt drawn to this strange boy. Krel just simply shrugged and hopped onto the hover board, once on he gestured for Douxie to get on behind him. Douxie happily hopped on the board behind Krel.

"You may want to hold on" Krel said behind him. Douxie has been told to do this many times and nothing bad had ever really happened. So, Douxie just placed his hands on Krel's hips to stabilise himself.

Krel then leaned forwards and the board shot of, Douxie was not at all prepared for this and nearly tumbled off the back of the hover board. Once Douxie had somewhat regained some of his balance, he creeped his arms around Krel's torso so that he wouldn't fall off.

Krel wasn't complaining, he quite liked having the boy so close to him. Krel was again too distracted by Douxie to realise that his sister was speeding towards him and Douxie.

They collided with force sending both Krel and Douxie hurtling to the pavement. Before hitting the ground, Krel had turned himself so that he took the fall and not Douxie. Krel just thought that an organic life form should be preserved seeing that is can't regenerate, and he didn't want anything bad to happen to Douxie.

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