O- Only you

328 11 3

Words: 2915
Summary: After the pairs break up they're forced to work together again to save the world once more.
Featuring immortal Krel because he's energy based and its convenient to the plot.

"OH KLEB!" Krel shouts with a crushing wait on his chest. Steve had fallen on top of him as the van swung around a corner of the tall building.

"Get off of me!" Krel pushed the oaf off and straightened the machine to the battle ensuing on the train above them.

If Stewart had a human drivers license he definitely doesn't anymore.

"Hold it steady!" Stewart shouted over his shoulder. Krel was a second away from shouting an insult of his driving at him but was tossed around once more.

"We're losing the train!" Stewart's voice quivered as he slowed to a stop, obviously losing the train in the process.

Krel launched forwards to see out of the front windscreen and terror shot through him. He could see Douxie at the head of the train headed straight for the concrete.

His initial response was to burst through the windshield and save his- the wizard. But his heart held him in place. This was the first time he has seen him since he left Arcadia... since he left Krel.


"Oh." The word was as soft as the light shining on the pair from the setting sun above.

Krel stood off to the side with Douxie, the pair had been together for a few months so this was normal. But the words that were just spoken weren't.
They rung through Krel's head,
'I can't be with you, I don't want to waste your time'.

Krel could feel the tears but he would not let them reach him here. Not with him... not anymore.

"Well. I'm sorry for wasting your time." Krel was just able to speak those words before his throat began to choke up.

Douxie was just looking right back at him, his eyes portraying a level of sympathy only achieved by decades of practice.

"I have to go" the words were fragile but the two wouldn't touch them. Douxie took in a breath as if he was going to speak but changing his mind he simply turned and walked away.


"No" the word was spoken so softly no body else could have heard him.

The train was swept up under a sheet of ice and Krel released a breath he didnt know he had been holding. Relief flushed through him as the train came to a... gentle stop?

The train was down and chaos enfolded. Krel was swept away as soon as he set foot out of the taco truck. A curious crowd was forming around the train and Krel couldn't see anything... except.


Of course, Douxie was grasping onto Nari's ankle and unsuccessfully trying to keep her grounded.

The crowd wouldn't budge, Krel couldn't get to his friends, he was useless. With a burst of gasps Douxie collapsed and Nari was whisked away by the order.

In a bustle of flashing lights and yelling officers his friends were taken away, all acept the remaining few in the taco truck.

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